Friday, August 5, 2022

Fill-ins and Felines Friday Week 2

It's Friday, so it's time for another set of blog hops!

Question: Have you ever switched reading genres? If so, why?

My response: For fiction, I am usually reading a cozy mystery. I am also usually reading a non-fiction self-improvement book, as well as Bella Grace Magazine (which I would consider creative non-fiction) at the same time. The reason is simple - I just enjoy reading them. However, if I wasn't in a non-fiction book club, I don't think I would read those as often. I do want to read more fiction books in other genres, but I'm having a difficult time peeling myself away from cozies. It seems like every week I add more cozies to my TBR list.

FRIENDLY FILL-INS, hosted by Four-Legged Furballs and 15 and Meowing

1. The highlight of my summer so far has been adopting Bell and Fiona.

2. August is a good time to hibernate.  I can't stand the heat and humidity, so I stay indoors in the A/C as much as possible.

3. Lack of time management skills often gets me into trouble. 

4. I laugh out loud every time I watch Friends.

FELINE FRIDAY, hosted by Comedy Plus

Bell is saying hello to everyone, in her own special way.

Bell clearly understands the word, "no", but like most cats, she sometimes chooses to ignore it. She loves testing my limits! She can be very active, but she is also a deep sleeper and the ultimate snuggle buggy. We have frequent conversations throughout the day. The only way I know how to describe her version of a meow is a low-pitched chirp. She also growls when anyone goes near her food dish during feeding time. The message is clear. Don't bother Bell while she's eating!


  1. Hello Bell ~ how nice to meet you, (June is a Maryland cat also!)

  2. Love your fill-ins and love seeing Bell. Cats rarely care about 'no'. It's the way of cats.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Scritches to Bell an Fiona. ♥

    1. Sandee, so true about cats and the word 'no'! :-)

  3. Bell you are a beauty. I'm pretty sure no translates to "yes of course you may do...."in the cat's mind
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Lol. True, Cecilia! Thank you and hugs back atcha. :-)

  4. I liked our fill-ins i am with you on #3 heheh!

    Bell looks sooo cute and very flexible

    Have a flexibletastic weekend 👍

  5. Thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! I am so happy for Bella and Fiona finding such a wonderful forever home. They're adorable and precious!

  6. Great fill ins! Bell is adorable! Have a great weekend!

  7. Bell is a beauty. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I am glad you adopted 2 kitties. I love Friends too, especially the earlier episodes. Have a nice weekend.

    1. Thank you. :-) Yeah, it was definitely a good idea to adopt two. They have each other's company, which also gives me a much needed break from them sometimes. They can channel their energy into playing with each other and not attacking me. :-)

  8. Bella is adorable!! I hope the heat subsides some for you soon and you can get back outdoors.

  9. Bell is gorgeous - and looks very much to be demanding a belly rub!


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