Friday, March 3, 2023

Felines and Fill-ins 25

Happy Felines and Fill-ins Friday! 

I am participating in three blog hops today. You can click on the host links below to read the blogs of others who are participating, and if you're a blogger, feel free to join through the links below!

QuestionHave you joined the library reading app, Libby?

My response: Yes, I occasionally use it on my phone for audiobooks or e-books. Since not all libraries offer the same selection of books with Libby, I have access to it with two different library systems.

FRIENDLY FILL-INS, hosted by Four-Legged Furballs and 15 and Meowing. 
1. Adequate sleep is always my top priority (or at least I try to make it so).

2. Did you read any good books this week?

3. I know what it's like to grieve after the loss of close friends all too well.

4. I can't explain why more places aren't wheelchair accessible.

Bell and Fiona turned 10 months old on March 1st. This is the scene I usually wake up to. You can see who the main spokescat is.😼


  1. Happy belated birthday Bell and Fiona 🎉💯🐾❤️

    Libby: I am so excited because I finally got my library card fixed so that I could join. I have not used it yet, but I sure plan to. Happy Friday, Meezan 😊

    1. Thank you, Jody! I'm sure you will enjoy being able to access Libby! :-)

  2. I definitely need to get Libby on my new phone and use it more.

    1. It does come in useful when I can't get my hands on print books. :-)

  3. LOL Happy Birthday to Bell and Fiona the photo made me smile :-)

    Have a spkescattastic weekend 👍

    1. Lol. Thank you. I'm glad to know they made you smile. :-)

  4. Bell and Fiona are just so cute! Happy Birthday to them! Great fill ins. I used Libby, too. It's so convenient to use. Have a great weekend!

  5. I think the selection on Libby is based on what the library has purchased rights/access to. I know what you mean about different selections, however. I'm lucky to have access to three different library systems, and it is quite often that one has the books I want and the other two don't. (And it's usually the same library that has them, too.)

    1. Mark, I didn't even think about having multiple library cards (and therefore more access to Libby selections) until this year. Same with Hoopla. It's so nice we can do that! :-)

  6. Darling sweet kitties- have a great weekend!

  7. I love being able to use Libby to download ebooks and to listen to audiobooks from the library.

  8. Bell and Fiona are cuties. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. Getting enough sleep is very important. And yes, I am currently reading two good books. :) Have a nice weekend.

  9. Adequate sleep is important, and sometimes impossible.

    Your cats are beautiful. Thank you for joining Feline Friday!

  10. I have just started to use Libby and I love it. Bell and Fiona look happy to see you

  11. I may need to look into getting a library card and Libby. Y'all have convinced me. Have a great weekend.

    My BBH if you care to visit --

    1. If you enjoy listening to audiobooks or reading e-books, you won't be disappointed with Libby. Hoopla is good, too. :-)

  12. Happy 10 months to the cuties!! I keep hoping to join in on the Fill-ins.. and maybe next week onwards :)
    Here is my Friday post


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