Friday, March 31, 2023

Felines and Fill-ins Friday 29

Happy Felines and Fill-ins Friday! 

I am participating in three blog hops today. You can click on the host links below to read the blogs of others who are participating, and if you're a blogger, feel free to join through the links below!

QuestionWhat apps/websites do you use to make your social media posts? 

My response: Just this year I started using the Canva app for Instagram posts. I only use the free version, but there's still so much that can be done with it. I like playing around with the colors, patterns, and composition.

FRIENDLY FILL-INS, hosted by Four-Legged Furballs and 15 and Meowing. 
1. Six Mystery 101 movies down, one to go. I should be able to finish watching the series today.

2. It's all fun and games until the cat toys end up under the oven. Then the pouting and "How'd that happen?" looks begin.

3. By some miracle, I will get snow on my birthday. I have always wanted it to snow on my birthday. In mid-April in Central Maryland it isn't likely, but it is possible. Usually I get cherry blossoms instead, which is a nice tradeoff.

4. Unless it involves long distances, I rarely use my wheelchair. Most of the time I use my crutches, and at home, I just hold on to furniture when I walk.

This is Bell lying on her belly. She often likes to flex her back legs when she lies like this. Sometimes she flexes one and sometimes both. When I gave her the nickname Bellerina, I hadn't noticed this yet, but it certainly fits. Don't you think? Sort of, maybe?

I can't believe my girls will be 11 months old tomorrow, April 1st. To view more pictures of them, click on Bell and Fiona on the right sidebar under Labels.


  1. I like Canva too. I use that and Book Brush for Instagram. Since my blog is on WordPress, it posts to my Facebook, Twitter, etc. Have a great weekend 😊

    1. Jody, I hadn't heard of Book Brush until today. I'll have to take a look at that! :-)

  2. I'll have to look into Canva. It would be fun to have some different tools for Instagram.

  3. Replies
    1. They're both pretty goofy in their own ways. :-)

  4. I'm glad you are able to be mobile using the furniture in your home, that's got to be easier than a wheelchair.

    Your Bell is beautiful, and yes, she does look as flexible as a ballerina when she sits that way.

  5. I'll have to check out that app! Love your Bell!

  6. Bell is adorable. I used Canva a lot as well for blog images and instagram


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