Friday, June 16, 2023

Fun on Friday 39

Happy Friday, friends!

I took a few days off last week, but I'm once again participating in five blog hops today. You can click on the host links below to read the blogs of others who are participating in each blog hop. If you're a blogger, feel free to join through their links!

QuestionWhen you write your reviews, which do you discuss more - the plot or the characters?

My response: It depends on the book or movie I'm reviewing, but in general I try not to give too many details about either one. I write about what I liked or why I didn't give it five full stars (mushrooms, in the case of my blog) without revealing spoilers. 

Today's excerpts are from Almost Fangmous, by Elle Wren Burke. This is the e-book format of the prequel novella in her Vampire Pet Boutique Mystery series. The prequel is available to download for free when you sign up for her newsletter.

Here is the first part of Chapter 1:
"Matilda!" You look so beautiful in your new t-shirt and bow!"
My little Scottie wagged her tail at me, not sure why she was being praised, but eager to bask in it. Preparing for the day's music festival, I'd just put her in an adorable pink t-shirt printed with "STAKESTOCK 2022" and a pair of fangs dripping a drop of blood each."

And here's an excerpt from 56%:
"...There's a rumor backstage that something happened to him. People are getting concerned." Ugh. It had been only about twenty minutes since we talked to Artie, so I hadn't expected the news to travel yet.

Elle Wren Burke is an author I recently discovered. This is the first cozy I've seen where the amateur sleuth is physically disabled, like the author herself. The amateur sleuth also happens to be a vampire. I'm enjoying the prequel and I'm excited to start reading the rest of the books in the series. Currently there are two after the prequel, with a third set to be released next week.

For the most part, Fiona enjoys sitting in the sun and Bell prefers to sit in the shade. In this spot, they can sit next to each other and enjoy the best of both worlds.


  1. I usually spend a bit more time on the plot when I write reviews, although I try to mention some aspects of both plot and characters.

    1. I do think both are important to mention, at least briefly. :)

  2. You have some very smart cats. Thank you for joining Feline Friday!

  3. Happy Friday!
    I'm currently reading In This Moment by Gabrielle Meyer.
    "The rain had not let up by Friday afternoon, keeping everyone indoors and canceling a garden party I had planned to attend."
    Have a great weekend. Happy reading!!!

    1. I love how that first line really describes the setting, Nicole! :-)

  4. They are the same as people, some are sun lovers while others prefer the shade.

  5. Hello kitties!!!
    This book sounds like a fun one! Happy weekend!

  6. I really have a hard time liking a book if I don't like the characters but I think I focus more on the plot on my reviews.

  7. Almost Fangmous looks good. One of my cats likes the sunspot too. The others don't seem to care.

    1. Yvonne, I guess like humans, they have their preferences. :-)

  8. I say I talk more about the characters but sometimes it depends with sticks out more. Some books are more character driven and others are more plot driven.


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