Friday, October 27, 2023

Four for Friday - Bookish Phobia, Dangerous Territory, and Fiona-in-a-Box

Happy Friday, friends!

Today I'm participating in four blog hops. The host for Friday 56 is taking a break, but I'll continue to share excerpts. You can click on the host links below to read the blogs of others who are participating in each blog hop. If you're a blogger, feel free to join through their links!

Question: Do you have a bookish phobia.

My response: I think my only bookish phobia is reading the last book in a series I love, knowing there will be no more. I haven't reached this point yet, but I know it will be a sad day when I do. I have yet to finish reading a series that is complete. I'm caught up with some series, but I know there is more to come with those.  Have you finished reading a series that you love? If so, how did you feel when it was done?

Today's excerpts are from the e-book format of Over My Dead Blog (Book Blogger Mystery 1), by Sarah E. Burr.

Here are the first few of sentences:
"Holy bookmarks!" It's really here.

I stroked the glossy spine with gleeful delight, the textured gold lettering glittering in the afternoon sunlight. "I can't believe it." I glanced at Langdon to see if he shared my bookish excitement.
And here's a teaser from 56%:
Now we were getting into dangerous territory.

I'm currently reading and enjoying an e-ARC of this book. It's set to be released on Halloween and I'm planning to post my review next week. Stay tuned!

Last week I shared a picture of a not-so-happy Fiona looking at Bell casually and proudly bathing in a box filled with paper. Well, Fiona does get her turn sometimes too. Here she is all snuggled up with the paper. Because paper is much more comfortable than blankets, right?


  1. What a great beginning! I've felt that way numerous times when receiving a new book. Hope you have a wonderful week! :)

    1. Me too, Ashley! It's definitely something bookish people can relate to. :-)

  2. I can see how getting to the end of a series can be a little sad.

    Paper crinkles! Blankets don't crinkle. Just as Fiona could tell you.

    Thank you for joining Feline Friday!

    1. Yeah, the girls explained the whole crinkle thing to me. I guess it's like piles of leaves in the fall, which I love. :-)


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