Friday, January 12, 2024

Five for Friday - Toppling TBR, Choosing Love, and Sleepyheads

Happy Friday, friends! Wow, it's been almost one month since I posted a Five for Friday! It's good to be back.

Today I'm participating in five blog hops. You can click on the host links below to read the blogs of others who are participating in each blog hop. If you're a blogger, feel free to join through their links!

Question: How many books are on your to-be-read list?

My response: Well, I have 370 books listed on my "Want to Read" shelf on Goodreads. However, there are many others that are not listed on there that I know I want to read. I have no idea how many. It's A LOT, as I'm sure my fellow avid readers can relate to. Funny because when I first signed up with Goodreads just over two years ago, I vowed to keep my "Want to Read" shelf at no more than 50 books. Yeah, that didn't last long!

Today's excerpts are from the Kindle format of Choosing Love (Mapleton 0.5), by Leah Dobrinska. This is a novella that was free on Kindle when I grabbed it.

Here is the first sentence:
Kristy Vos was in complete control of the situation...just how she liked it.

And here's a teaser from 56%:
Vince lapsed into a stony silence as the story settled over them like a pall.

This is a sweet, clean romance that is set primarily around New Year's Day. It was the perfect book to start the year. I hope you'll come back next week to read my full spoiler-free review. I'm planning to post it on Tuesday (but possibly Wednesday or Thursday).

The sleepyheads have missed you!

Usually they take their morning naps in separate spots, but one day recently, I found them sitting like this together on a dining room chair. I guess they had been sleeping here.


  1. I think that quote from p.56 is really great...a stony silence!

  2. Bell and Fiona do look like they have just woken up.

  3. Keeping your TBR list at only 50 was an ambitious goal. I applaud your attempt.

  4. Bell and Fiona are looking beautiful! Choosing Love sounds like a good book.

    1. They say thank you, Yvonne! Yes, I loved the book! :)

  5. There's more to read than we will ever get to.

    The book sounds fascinating.

    Your sleepyheads are beautiful. Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

    1. Thank you. And very true about the books. Yes, I really enjoyed that book. :-)


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