Friday, February 2, 2024

Five for Friday - A Book In a Day, Christie, and Back-to-Back Cats

Happy Friday!

Today I'm participating in five blog hops. You can click on the host links below to read the blogs of others who are participating in each blog hop. If you're a blogger, feel free to join through their links!

Question: What was the last book you read in one sitting?

My response: That last book I read in one sitting was High Strung (Glass Bead Mystery 1), by Janice Peacock. It was the last book I read in 2022. This was a huge accomplishment for me, as I'm a pretty slow reader. It does have about 70 pages less than the typical cozy mystery, but it was still a challenge. I had to plan ahead. I went to bed early enough so that I could get started early the next day and I planned all my meals ahead of time so that I could eat something for each meal and snack that was healthy and quick. 

I was really glad I was able to do this and I really enjoyed the book. It was one of my favorites from 2022. However, I won't be doing this again anytime soon. I sat for way too long that day and I didn't feel great physically when I was done. I also rarely have the time to do this. This week I've been barely getting in just one chapter a day!

Today's excerpts are from the Kindle format of The Mystery of Mrs. Christie by Marie Benedict.

Here is the first sentence:
The letter flutters on the desk, almost keeping time with the footsteps thundering across the floor.

I'm sharing two excerpts from 56%. The chapters alternate between the time period before Agatha's disappearance and the 11 days during her disappearance. Eventually, the two time periods will come together. 56% spans portions of two chapters, so I can share excerpts from the two time periods.

A couple years before her disappearance told from Agatha Christie's point of view (talking about her husband, Archie):
Then to my great astonishment, a mischievous glint surfaced in his eyes, a madcap expression I hadn't seen since he returned from the war.

On the 6th day after her disappearance (narrator talking about Archie):
He can no longer pretend, even to himself, that he isn't a primary suspect in the investigation, if not the primary one.

This book is a work of fiction, but the author did extensive research and it's based on facts. I'll share my thoughts on my Sunday Post.

Back-to-back cats. I saw them sitting like this one morning when I woke up. This is another rare sighting, as they usually prefer to sleep in completely different spots away from each other. My guess is that Bell was in this spot first and Fiona made her way onto the chair. I've seen her do that. Usually Bell ends up leaving, but I guess she decided this time she wasn't moving.


  1. I want to read the book about the disappearance of Agatha Christie...excuse me while I go and add it to my TBR.

    1. Lol. I did really enjoy it. Hope you enjoy it as well when you read it. I'll post a review soon. :)

  2. I can only read children's books in one sitting. Long periods of reading can give me a headache.

    That Christie book sounds interesting.

    Have a good weekend!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  3. That's a great pic of Fiona and Bell. Love it. The Mystery of Mrs. Christie looks good.

  4. They look comfortable enough sharing the chair.

  5. Happy Saturday! πŸ˜€
    I’m just beginning While the City Sleeps by Elizabeth Camden. I’ve only read chapters 1 & 2 so far, but they’re very pull-the-reader-in kind of chapters.
    “Keeping the forces of darkness and corruption at bay was a never-ending battle, but Jonathan would pay any price to keep his city safe.”
    I hope you have an excellent weekend! πŸ˜€πŸ“š

  6. I think planning ahead is about the only way I would be able to make reading a regular book in one day possible. It's just not realistic for me these days otherwise. A short manga or poetry collection, I can swing more easily. I've been curious about The Mystery of Mrs. Christie and will look forward to reading your thoughts on it! My two don't like to sleep near each other either. I've caught them on a rare occasion in a similar position, but not as close as your two are here. I don't know why, but I always get so excited when they settle in kind of close to each other. I guess I'm forever hopeful they will develop a closer bond. Have a great weekend!

    1. It makes me happy too when I see my girls sitting together. :-)))

  7. Ms. Christie's disappearance, the total story, is only fully known by one person, Ms. Christie herself. It is fascinating to speculate, though.

    I'm glad your girls shared the spot this time, they are beautiful. Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!


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