Friday, February 23, 2024

Five for Friday - Bookshelves, Betrayal, and Bell

Happy Friday!

Today I'm participating in five blog hops. You can click on the host links below to read the blogs of others who are participating in each blog hop. If you're a blogger, feel free to join through their links!

Question: How do you organize your bookshelves.

My response: Well, right now they're not exactly organized. The way I want to organize them is by months of the year. Since I like to read books during the time of year when they take place as often as possible, it makes sense for me to organize them this way. If a book takes place over the course of several months or seasons, then I'll just pick the time of year when I would want to read it and shelve it accordingly. I need an entire day to to do this. I have books on the bookcase in no specific order, and I also have a box of books that need to be shelved.

Today's excerpts are from the Kindle format of Betrayal at the Bay (Claire O'Keefe Mystery 2), by Cindy Quayle.

Here is the beginning:
My ears perked up at the laughter floating across the Japanese restaurant. The hairs on my arm tingled as my brain frantically tried to process what I was hearing.

And here is an excerpt from page 56:
In response, Aiden started the engine and pulled the car toward the road. We passed the coffee food truck, and the guy at the window gave us a long look as we drove by. I stared back, wondering why he was giving Aiden and me the stink eye.

Are you intrigued?

Bell is sticking her tongue out and saying you better not make fun of the fact that she loves to snuggle up with paper in a box. (Her sister does too.)


  1. My bookshelves need a good reorganizing, too. Work interferes with everything I want to do around the house.

    I wonder why the coffee truck guy is acting that way.

    Bell, the paper is the best part, don't every apologize for liking what you like. Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

  2. Awww...Bell looks so cute. Betrayal in the bay sounds really good. Intriguing excerpts.

    1. Thanks, Yvonne. I am enjoying Betrayal in the Bay. :-)

  3. Now that is a very interesting way to organize. I'm impressed. Thanks for sharing.

  4. What an interesting idea--to organize by the time of year. I hope you are able to do that sometime as I would love to know how it works out!

    Both of your excerpts have me wanting to know more! Betrayal in the Bay sounds very promising.I am definitely intrigued!

    I love photos of cats with their little tongues peeking out. LOL So adorable.

    Have a great weekend!

  5. If you are a cat there is nothing better than a good box.

  6. What an unusual way to organize bookshelves, but so cool! I don't think that would work for me, because I like to keep my series together. Interesting teasers from your current read, and I really like the cover. Happy Reading!

  7. The beginning of that book is quite compelling. Yes, I want to find out more.


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