Friday, February 16, 2024

Five for Friday - Milk Money, A Talking Cat, and a Productive Cat

Happy Friday!

Today I'm participating in five blog hops. You can click on the host links below to read the blogs of others who are participating in each blog hop. If you're a blogger, feel free to join through their links!

Question: Do you keep an active list of favorite authors - that you would spend your milk money on - to have it when they publish a book?

My response: I don't have a list, but I follow authors on social media and I also subscribe to some of their newsletters. These keep me updated on new releases that I'm interested in.

Today's excerpts are from an eARC of Meows and Murder (Chatty Cat Mystery 2), by Elle Wren Burke.

Here is the beginning:
"Brighton, put that fluffy tail to work and sweep up this dirt."

And here is an excerpt from 56%:
"We don't know anything about the letters, though. Derek only found out through family gossip. The letters could be from anyone."
    "Yes," Todd agreed, "or they could be from someone in your group."

Brighton is a hilarious and snarky talking cat. He knows he's brilliant, but he is also very loving. In the excerpt from 56%, they (Brighton included) are discussing potential evidence in a murder.

This is a spinoff series from the Prickly Pear Psychic Mysteries, which I have not read. But I am really enjoying this spinoff series. The book released this past Wednesday and I'm planning to post my review this coming Tuesday. You can read my review of book 1, Purrs and Poison, here.

Bell has had a very productive week. She learned how to open a kitchen cabinet, go inside, and have the cabinet close behind her. I noticed she was missing and when I saw Fiona hanging out by the cabinet (which Bell has been practicing opening for a while), I opened it and there she was. She could have easily gotten out if she wanted to. She didn't want to.

Bell also started chewing holes through their bag of litter, which is now in a sealed container. 

Speaking of sealed containers, in the middle of the night, she also knocked down a sealed container of blondies I had made and left in a corner on the counter in the kitchen. Nothing broke and nothing spilled, but I'm not thrilled about her new accomplishments. 

Bell's apprentice (Fiona) tends to follow her sister after studying her for a while. I'm hoping the spell is broken this time.


  1. Cute beginning. I wish my cat would sweep up!

    1. Those tails could come in handy for that! :)

  2. There are too many favorite authors for me to list.

    A snarky talking cat sounds worth the read just for that character.

    Fiona, I suggest you let your class clown sister clown it alone. (And those baby-proof latches help, really.) Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

    1. I told Bell I might have to get child-proof locks. (Probably not, though, because even if she does go in there, there's really nothing she can get into and she can easily get out if she wants to.) :)

  3. I don't keep a physical list either, but keep my eye out for new books by my favorite authors.

  4. Happy Friday!
    I'm almost done with Calling on the Matchmaker by Jody Hedlund. I love this book!
    "He didn't know what to say, didn't want to probe, but he also didn't want to ignore her obvious distress. Rather than say the wrong thing, he stood silently and waited."
    Have a great weekend! 😀❤️📚

  5. Bell sounds very adventurous! That is a sweet photo.

    1. She is definitely the more adventurous of the two! :-)


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