Friday, March 29, 2024

Four for Friday - Reviews, Lucky Charm, and a Sun Bath

Happy Friday!

Today I'm participating in four blog hops. You can click on the host links below to read the blogs of others who are participating in each blog hop. If you're a blogger, feel free to join through their links!

Question: Which has more power over readers: a book blogger or a professional critic? 

My response: I can only speak for myself, but book bloggers have more influence over me. I think a big part of the reason is because I'm better able to connect with book bloggers. It feels like a community.

Today's excerpts are from the Kindle format of My Lucky Charm (Holidays with Hart 2), Courtney Walsh.

Here is the beginning:
I've never kissed a stranger in my life.

And here is an excerpt from 56%:
"Okay, Beth, thank you," she says. "Right, it is good news --" Here eyes meet mine, but she quickly looks away. "I'll do my best to convince him."

This is a clean hockey romcom that is told from two points of view. The first line is Eloise narrating and the excerpt from 56% is Gray narrating. I'm really enjoying it. I hope to finish it in the next few days and post my review next week.

Here is Fiona lounging in the sunshine between meals.


  1. I don't think I've ever kissed a stranger either. LOL I love the sound of My Lucky Charm. I think I am more influenced by book bloggers too. I hope you have a great weekend, Meezan!

    1. I am certain I haven't! Lol! Thank you, and you too! :)

  2. I've never kissed a stranger either. I think it is a good policy. HA

  3. Great excerpts. I love the photo, too. Here's mine: BOOKISH FRIDAY

  4. Book Bloggers ARE a wonderful community, and I trust them more. :) Great answer.

  5. Critics are great, but what did the person up the street think? Often, their opinion is closer to mine.

    Fiona, you look quite content. Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!


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