Saturday, April 20, 2024

Sunday Post 76

Happy Weekend, friends!

Through Monday, I am linking with the following: 

On the above blogs you will be able to see links to the posts from others who are participating in those blog hops, and if you're a blogger, you can join too. 

It's been a mostly cloudy, but tranquil week. Today, however, has been bright, sunny and cool, with a gentle breeze. Next week we are supposed to cool down even more, at least in the first half of the week, which is fine with me! I'm happy to delay heat and humidity for as long as possible.

Is anyone out there in the blogosphere a hockey fan? I love hockey and my favorite team is the Washington Capitals. They are the NHL team that is closest to home for me. So many people wrote them off months ago, but in the last game of the regular season, they found themselves a spot in the playoffs.  I currently don't subscribe to any services that carry the games because I found myself having less and less time to watch them. However, I'm temporarily subscribing to one so I can watch the playoffs. Game 1 for the Caps against the New York Rangers is tomorrow (Sunday) at 3pm. Go Caps!!!

After this Sunday Post, I will publish one review on Tuesday, and after that I'll be taking a bit of a blogging break. I'm planning to return the first or second week in May.

Click on 2024 Bookish Challenges on the right sidebar to see how I'm doing with this year's goals.

I listened to A Feast Most Foul (Ducal Detective Mystery 2), by Sarah E. Burr and narrated by Melissa Green. I loved the first novella in this series, so this one had a tough act to follow. I can confidently say I loved it just as much as I did the first one. I highly recommend this series, if you haven't already discovered it. The audiobooks are masterfully done.
Also in this series, I listened to A Voyage of Vengeance and I loved this one too. This is the final novella in the series. The next two are full length novels. This series is so much more than mysteries. I really like all of the main characters and I'm fully invested in their stories.
I finished reading an ARC of A Twinkle of Trouble (Fairy Garden Mystery 5), by Daryl Wood Gerber. I feel so lucky to have received a signed paperback ARC of this book. I absolutely loved it. I will post my review on release day, Tuesday, April 23rd.  In the meantime, you can read some excerpts here.
I once again didn't make any progress with Magus of the Library, Vol. 1, by Mitzu Izumi. Other books keep calling my name, but I do want to finish it. Eventually I will because I do like it and it is a library book that I'll have to return soon. I can keep it for a couple more weeks.
I'm currently listening to the first full-length novel in the Ducal Detective Mystery series, written by Sarah E. Burr and narrated by Melissa Green. A Summit in Shadow is the fourth book in the series. I'm so glad this is a full-length novel. I loved the novellas so much, I wanted more!
I started reading Six Feet Deep Dish (Deep Dish Mystery 1), by Mindy Quigley. I had heard this book was a little edgier than many cozies I've read, so even though I was interested in it, I was also a little nervous. It's the Cozy Mystery Book Club pick for May and I'm so glad because so far I'm really enjoying it!
After I finish listening to Summit in Shadow, I'll move on to Throne of Threats. This is the final book in the Ducal Detective Mystery series, written by Sarah E. Burr and narrated by Melissa Green. (But don't worry! There are a lot more in a follow-up series!)
  • Legend of the Lost Locket - I'd call this 2024 Hallmark premiere a quiet, but overall enjoyable movie.  I think it would have been a better fit for the Hallmark Mystery channel, though.
  • From Friend to Fiance - Not sure I'd watch this Hallmark movie from 2019 again, but I did enjoy watching it once.
  • The Memory Book - This Hallmark movie was made ten years ago. It was recommended by a friend and I did enjoy it. The female lead actress is Meghan Ory. She played Red Riding Hood in Once Upon a Time and I couldn't unsee that. Lol. Still a sweet movie, though.
  • Home by Spring - This is a 2018 Hallmark movie that's based on an outlandish lie. Thankfully,  the lie was not between the two leads, but it still bothered me. I was conflicted because other than that, I enjoyed it.
  • Friends - Since season 10 is shorter, I'm almost in the middle of it already. Life changes are happening with the friend group!
This was another week when I focused mostly on reading and listening, rather than on blogging. There are so many books I want to read and listen to right now, so I need to decide where to spend my time. As I mentioned above, I'll publish one review on Tuesday, then I'll be taking a blogging break until the  first or second week in May. 

Take care and I'll see you soon!


  1. Six Feet Deep Dish looks cute!! Enjoy your books!

  2. It's nice to take a break now and then. Enjoy your little break! See you in May!

  3. Breaks are great. We all need them every once in a while. Enjoy yours and enjoy your books. They look so good. Have a great week!

  4. I have only been to one hockey game but I loved it! I wouldn't want to try and keep up on TV, but I definitely think I need to go to another game ;) I also enjoy reading about Hockey romcoms, LOL! I hope you enjoy your blogging break! Have a good week, Meezan!

    1. Cindy, attending the hockey games are definitely a whole different level of experience...especially playoff games (but regular season games are great too)! The game I watched on t.v. today was easy to keep up with because ESPN labeled the players who had the hockey puck during the game. And yes, I too love reading hockey romcoms!! :)

  5. Hope ya have a great break from blogging and just relax and enjoy whatever your heart desires. Hubby and i are also watching friends i not sure what season we are on now but phoebee had the triplets recently and ross is in the naked guys apt if that gives you any idea. Have a great reading week.

    1. Jan, that was season 5, which ,if I remember correctly, was my favorite season. There were some very funny scenes in that season, especially when Monica and Chandler were hiding their relationship from everyone. :)

  6. I agree with you about delaying the heat as long as possible. A good day, weather wise, is when you don't have to use the A/C, a great day is when you need neither that nor the heat.

    You always have so many fabulous books going, I wish I had more reading time and less work time.

    1. I hope you can find some time to read, even if it's short breaks. Every little bit helps! :)

  7. Glad you hear you are enjoying the next few Court of Mysteries stories. I'm looking forward to diving into them myself.

    1. Mark, I can't believe it took me this long to start that series. I think you'll enjoy them. :)

  8. Great that the Ducal series was such a hit with you, its special when you find a series you love like that. I don't really watch hockey but I know having a sport you enjoy watching is awesome viewing.

    1. Kathryn, except when my team loses! LOL. Two games so far and they've lost both. Ugh.

  9. Enjoy your break! My unscheduled one is carrying on too long!

    Wishing you a great week!

    1. Thank you! Sometimes extended breaks are needed. :)

  10. I enjoy some good cozies. Thanks for sharing, and here's mine: WEEKLY UPDATES

  11. Your books do sound good. Enjoy your break. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  12. I keep seeing that Six Feet Deep Dish book and really need to get it. I hope you have a great week!


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