Friday, May 17, 2024

Five for Friday - Books Galore, Cozy Iced Tea, and Window Cats

Happy Friday!

Today I'm participating in five blog hops. You can click on the host links below to read the blogs of others who are participating in each blog hop. If you're a blogger, feel free to join through their links.

Question: Do you consider yourself a book collector or a book hoarder?

My response: I believe I'm a book collector who's on the path to becoming a book hoarder. Since I've become an avid reader over the past few years, the amount of books I own (physical books and e-books) has increased quite a bit. And I want to keep all of them. Of course, e-books are not a problem. The Kindle library is unlimited and the number of books I have on my Kindle device is not very high. I usually. I try to keep on my device only what I'll use within a month.

Physical books are a whole other issue. I have piles of them waiting to be shelved. I know how I want to organize them. It's just a matter of making the space for them and making the time to shelve them.

Today's excerpts are from the audiobook format of No Good Tea Goes Unpunished (Seaside CafΓ© Mystery 2), by Bree Baker.

Here is the beginning:
"Congratulations, Mrs. Miller," I said, embracing my childhood friend, Judy, who was still glowing from her recent exchange of wedding vows.

And here is an excerpt from 56%:
A crude crime scene-style outline of a body was etched into the sand, legs bent at unnatural angles, arms wide. A big rock interrupted the curve of the drawing's head. Large straight letters rose above the drawing in a simple three-word command: Don't be next.

I'm almost finished listening to this audiobook, so stay tuned for my thoughts!

So, Fiona was sitting on the window seat specifically designed for cats, which is on the other window (not pictured) in this same room. Bell had been sitting there and Fiona was willing to simply join her.  

Bell likes her own space, though, so she got down and went to the other window that you see here. She was trying to get up on the window sill, so I pulled up the blinds. After I did that, Fiona rushed over there, leaving the cat window seat vacant. You might think Bell grabbed it, but no. They ended up both sitting on this very narrow window sill. 


  1. That pg. 56 quote is very compelling and chilling.

    1. I agree, Anne! It's a pretty light-hearted book, but some parts are darker than others. :)

  2. I like to collect books and have a lot of physical books pile everywhere. My problem is that I don't have enough room.

    1. I don't either. I have a very small bookcase that worked well when I didn't really enjoy reading much. Lol. :)

  3. I didn't consider my hoard of e-books when I answered. That is more hoarding than collecting, I think, because I have many that I'll likely never read or never read again. Clever cover and title for the book, and I really like the 56. Happy Reading!

  4. I have all of my books organized by author and series. Hope you get all of your books on shelves. Have a great weekend!

  5. LOL Bell and Fiona are so cute. The Bree Baker book is on my wish list. It looks like a good one. Have a great weekend!

    1. Yvonne, I'm enjoying this book even more than the first one. I'm planning to binge the series over the next month. All of the audiobooks for them are on Hoopla. :)

  6. Happy Saturday!
    Whew, it's been a crazy week. I'm just now able to get to FLF. πŸ˜₯
    I'm just starting No Place Like Home by Jess Mastorakos.
    "I don't wanna go." It was a simple statement, yet I worked very hard to keep a petulant pout off my lips as I looked at my manager in the mirror's reflection.
    I hope you are having a wonderful weekend! πŸ™‚❤️πŸ“š

    1. Thank you, Nicole. I hope you're able to get some rest and relaxation this weekend. :)

  7. I simply have more books than I can read, but I do enjoy getting to them as fast as I can.

    Don't be next -- sounds very ominous.

    That's cats for you. Bell and Fiona, thank you for joining Feline Friday, no matter which window you choose.

  8. Bell and Fiona are funny! No matter how you try we will never understand cats.


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