Friday, May 31, 2024

The Friday Six 1

Happy Friday!

Today I'm participating in SIX blog hops. Yes, that's right. Six. I'm adding a new blog hop to my Friday posts. You can click on the host links below to find the blogs of others who are participating in each blog hop. If you're a blogger, feel free to join through the host links.

Question: June 5th is World Environment Day. Can you suggest a book that has an environmental message or theme?

My response: I honestly can't think of any right now, probably because these are not usually the types of books I read. I'm open to suggestions.

Today's excerpts are from the e-book format of Love at On Deck CafΓ© (Mapleton 1), by Leah Dobrinska.

Here is the beginning:
Julia Derks stood behind the counter at On Deck CafΓ©, but she may as well have been on top of the world.

And here is an excerpt from page 56:
The reality of that predicament crashed into him with the precision force of a bat connecting with a baseball. Julia wouldn't back down from a fight, and he wasn't sure he would win.

For the first time, he didn't know if he wanted to.

Although these excerpts are from the e-book, I'm actually listening to the audiobook. It's told from two different points of view. Each chapter alternates. As you can see, Julia starts out feeling like she's on top of the world, but by page 56 she's putting up a fight for something.

This is a sweet, clean contemporary romance that is set around the 4th of July. And it does have all the 4th of July feels, complete with a festival. I'm really enjoying it so far. I'll share my complete thoughts about it when I'm done.

Fiona had a mani and pedi at the vet on Tuesday because she won't allow anyone else cut her nails. She did very well at the vet and she was only gone for about 20 minutes while Bell stayed home. When Fiona came home, Bell was mad at everyone! She kept hissing at both Fiona and me. She soon stopped hissing at me and we made amends, but it took her seven hours to accept Fiona again! Fiona just ignored Bell's hissing, but she looked so sad. I felt bad for her. I was relieved when Bell finally stopped hissing and they starting playing together again.

Here is Fiona after she came home from the vet.

This is the new blog hop I'm joining. I love taking nature pictures, so I thought this would be a good opportunity to share them, as well as enjoy the pictures that others share.

I'm starting this blog hop with one of my favorite pictures that I've taken. It was just a couple weeks ago when I took it. I love everything about it - the pink rose beginning to open up, the buds around it that haven't opened up yet, and the ladybug on the stem.


  1. I'm currently reading Secondary Target by Angela Carlisle. It is so good!
    "Bryce pulled into Western Outfitters' lot and eyed the building. This was the last place Corina should be right now. The building was too exposed. Too open."
    I hope you have a great weekend! 😊❤πŸ“š

    1. That's a great excerpt. Thank you, Nicole! You too! :)

  2. Fiona looks very relaxed after her vet visit.

    1. Despite Bell's not-so-welcome-home, Fiona was ultra relaxed. :)

  3. Love at On Deck CafΓ© sounds like something I would enjoy. I already like Julia just reading the excerpts you shared. Poor Fiona being rejected by Bell. The scent of the vet had to go away first, I imagine. I am glad Bell came around eventually though. I hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Yeah, it was definitely her scent because Bell would sniff her, then hiss. I'm not sure why it was so different this time. Bell didn't react that way the last time Fiona had this done. Oh, well. I'm glad they resolved their differences. :)

  4. Sometimes a fight is not worth it, although the book sounds as if it would be.

    Fiona, you are beautiful. Bell may be smelling all the smells of the vet's office on both of you when you get back, and it stresses her. Lots of pets are like that. Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

    The rose is delightful to look at.

    1. Yeah, it was definitely the scent. It just surprised me because Bell did not react that way the last time Fiona went to the vet. Have a great week! :)


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