Friday, June 28, 2024

The Friday Six 5

Happy Friday!

Today I'm participating in six blog hops. You can click on the host links below to find the blogs of others who are participating in each blog hop. If you're a blogger, feel free to join through the host links.

Question: Which do you enjoy doing more on the 4th of July: watching fireworks light up the sky or reading an inviting book?

My response: If I could watch the fireworks from my balcony, I would definitely choose to watch them. However, since I can't do that and it would involve going out, I'd much rather stay home and read a book.

Today's excerpts are from the e-book format of Catch of the Day (Newfound Lake Mystery 1), by Virginia  K. Bennet.

Here is the beginning:
"That's not what I meant when I named the place." Ben's attempt at humor was lost on those watching the search and rescue team retrieve a dead body found floating at the foot of the lake.

And here is an excerpt from 56%:
"Not like he gave me much of a choice. 'Sara, if you're going to live here virtually rent free, the least you can do is pitch in and help.'" Sara mocked Ben's business-like tone and straightened her imaginary tie in the process. "I would not, however, advise ordering any mixed drinks if you know how they should taste."

This novella sure does dive into the mystery right away, doesn't it? In the excerpt from 56% Rebecca, the amateur sleuth, is trying to obtain information from a suspect. This is a fast-paced cozy perfect for June. I should finish in a couple of days. I'm a little more than halfway done and I'm enjoying it so far.

Fiona loves to lie in the sun after dinner.

I took this picture on my walk this morning. This is my favorite spot on my walks. There are so many birds and other wildlife. I often see bunnies, groundhogs, and occasionally, a deer. I once saw a mama deer nursing her young here. There are also dragonflies in this area, which is a sign of a healthy ecosystem. It's the perfect spot for watching the sunrise (when it rises later and when I can get out that early...hasn't happened in a while). I love the greenery in the summer, but wait until you see it in the fall!


  1. I think that's the conclusion we've come to recently too--we'd rather stay in than have to go out to see the fireworks on the 4th of July these days. I enjoyed the excerpts you shared from Catch of the Day. It sounds like a fun cozy mystery. The view on your walk is beautiful! I'm afraid my view is mostly of house after house and the street. Not very interesting. I hope you have a great weekend!

    1. This little area is just behind a shopping center and the community gym. It's in a neighborhood where there are lots of houses. You'd be surprised how developed the area around it is. :)

  2. It is always good to find a nice sunspot after your dinner, Fiona. That looks a lovely peaceful place for a walk.

    1. The girls are so different. Bell likes some sun, but not as much as Fiona does. :)

  3. I love to watch fireworks but don't like to drive to places to view them, so I usually opt for a BBQ at home with friends. And then try to keep my house from setting on fire by fireworks my neighbors have set off.

    1. Well that sounds risky. I hope you have a safe and Happy Fourth of July! :)

  4. The book sounds good. I'm going to add it to my list. Fiona looks very satisified in her sunspot. My girls like to lie under them too.

    1. Yay! Glad you added it to your TBR list! :)

  5. We have no choices about fireworks, they are illegal here but people set them off anyway.

    Fiona, you have a choice spot! Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday.

    I do like your nature photo.


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