Friday, June 14, 2024

The Friday Six 3

Happy Friday!

Today I'm participating in six blog hops. You can click on the host links below to find the blogs of others who are participating in each blog hop. If you're a blogger, feel free to join through the host links.

Question: What is your go-to book to start the summer, and why does it set the tone for the season?

My response: I don't have a specific go-to book. I just read whatever is next on my list. I do like to read books that are set in the season in which I'm reading them, but sometimes I deviate from that when I read ARCs (or for Christmas in July).

Today's excerpts are from the e-ARC format of Summoning, Skating, and Skulls (Bewitcher's Beach Mystery 2)), by Emily Fluke.

Here is the beginning:
A heavy wind almost toppled the leaning tower of VHS tapes that precariously balanced on my forearms. Distant thunder threatened Bewitcher's Beach with a storm. The chill bit through my oversized argyle sweater and had me wishing to turn into my wolf form.

And here is an excerpt from page 56:
I saw her in town tonight and I think she might be our only chance to cast the protection spell in time." My gaze fluttered to Crow for a moment, but I wouldn't let myself get distracted by his midnight eyes. "And based on that argument Crow heard, it sounds like she probably already has the spell."

This is a paranormal cozy mystery with a touch of romance that just recently released, but is set in the late 1990's. The world building in this series is my favorite part about it, but the mysteries are also strong. This second one is even stronger and more complex than the first one. I will publish a review after I've finished it.

A rare sighting of the girls hanging out together. They had been sleeping until they realized I spotted them. It surprised me to see them together like this (even though they have their backs to each because a little while prior to this there was a heavy dose of sibling rivalry in progress.

I'm as ready for fall as this tree is!


  1. I'm the same way - I like to read books in season, but sometimes that changes because of ARCs. The Friday book looks good. The girls are so pretty. Have a great weekend!

  2. The leaning tower of VHS tapes caught my eye! Enjoy!

  3. Happy Saturday!
    I'm currently reading Somebody to Lean On by Jess Mastorakos. It's SO cute! Definitely recommend this story.
    "It was like the town of Charlotte Oaks bred hot first responders the same way some of its residents bred pigs or cows or something."
    I hope you have an excellent weekend! 😊❤️📚

  4. I think we still have many of our VHS tapes, although I don't think we have a working VCR to play them . . . The opening made me think of them. :-) Summoning, Skating, and Skulls sounds like a fun read! Kitties! I am glad to see them getting along in the moment. LOL I hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Same! I have lots of VHS tapes, but nothing to play them on. :)

  5. I also read whatever is next on the TBR pile.

    Fall seems a world away but you are right, that tree is eager and so are all of us who melt in the heat.

    Girls, I'm glad you made up and thank you for posing so nicely for Feline Friday.

    1. The girls were doing their job for Feline Friday. :-)


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