Friday, September 23, 2022

Felines and Fill-ins Week 7

Hello and how are you doing? It's been a couple of weeks since I posted felines and fill-ins, but I am back! I may be taking another break soon, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

I am participating in three blog hops, as usual on Fridays. You can click on the host links below to read the blogs by others who are participating, and if you're a blogger, feel free to join through the links below!

QuestionHave you ever reread a book? If so, why did you decide to reread it?

My response: Yes. This year I reread The Magic of Thinking Big, by David J. Schwartz. I read this book many years ago and I kept a copy of it. The non-fiction book club I participate in chose this as one of their books, so I decided to reread it. It's a little dated for this point in my life, but I still gained much insight from it the second time around.

Typically, though, I don't reread books. There are so many on my to-be-read list that I tend to focus primarily on books that are new to me. If a cozy mystery that I've already read is selected for other book clubs I participate in, then I usually listen to the audiobook for a different experience.

FRIENDLY FILL-INS, hosted by Four-Legged Furballs and 15 and Meowing
1. Foods that contain high levels of unhealthy ingredients should come with warning labels.

2. And just like that my kittens are almost five months old. They were adopted when they were ten weeks old. They will be five months on October 1st.

3. I get funny looks from others when I  tell them I eat popcorn with my breakfast almost everyday.

4. I once tried to get a job after I left my teaching position, and I failed. And I couldn't be happier that everything worked out the way it was meant to.

The spotlight is on Miss Fiona today. She's such a goofball who gives 110% to everything she does.


  1. Loved your fill-ins and love seeing Fiona. She's a very pretty cat.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Scritches to Fiona. ♥

  2. Fiona is such a cutie. I have only had popcorn once. We went to an Imax (I think it was in Vancouver) and we both had popcorn and hated it. It was horrible and salty and probably tasted worse because I don't add salt to food.

    1. Thank you. :) Movie theater popcorn makes me ill. It's made with unnatural and unhealthy ingredients. I pop my own and add salt, olive oil, and nutritional yeast to taste. It's a much better experience when you pop your own and add your own ingredients of choice. :)

  3. Fiona is adorable. Happy 5 month birthday to the kittens. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I agree about #1.Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. I just love the pictures of your kittens. They are simply adorable.

  5. Fiona is adorable! :D I might have to participate in the friendly fill-ins so I can showcase Izzy on my blog more.

    I understand why people don't reread very much. I love to reread my favorites, though, so about 33% of my yearly reads are rereads. Here's my post.

    1. Thank you, Jenni. I would love to see Izzy make many appearances on your blog. I feature my Fiona and Bell every Friday with the Feline Friday blog hop. :-)

  6. Those pics of Fiona are gorgeous! She's so beautiful.

  7. I have never re-read a book. :)

    Enjoy your upcoming week.


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