Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday - Cozy Mysteries That Feature Bookshops

It's Tuesday, so I am once again linking with That Artsy Reader Girl who hosts Top Ten Tuesday. You can click on her link to view her list and the lists from other bloggers participating in this blog hop.

This week's top ten list is about bookstores I'd like to visit. I'm putting my own spin on this and listing ten cozy mystery series that feature fictional bookshops I'd love to visit (minus the crime, of course). Each book picture I feature on this list is the first in its series. 

Books and Biscuits Mysteries, by Abby Collette feature a café/bookstore combo in the Pacific Northwest run by fraternal twins. Keaton manages the bookstore and Koby manages the café. This is the only series on this list that I have started reading. The second one in the series, "Soul of a Killer" was released today. I'm curious to see how the subplots unfold in the second book and how they work together to solve future mysteries.

Booktown Mysteries, by Lorna Barrett feature a bookstore in New Hamphsire that specializes in mysteries. With a name like Booktown, I'm certain there are many more bookstores in this cozy town.
Castle Bookshop Mysteries, by Essie Lang features a bookstore in upstate New York located in a castle. How majestic!

Cozy Mystery Bookshop Mysteries, by Tamra Baumann is another series that features a bookshop specializing in mysteries. This one also includes a book club of amateur sleuths.

Haunted Bookshop Mysteries, by Alice Kimberly feature a haunted bookshop in Rhode Island. Perfect setting for a cozy series!

Magical Bookshop Mysteries, by Amanda Flower feature a magical bookshop where you don't choose the books, they choose you. Anyone who is a fan of cozy mysteries is probably familiar with Amanda Flower. I have enjoyed what I have read from her so far and this series is high priority on my to-be-read list.

Pen and Ink Mysteries, by Krista Davis feature a bookshop in the Georgetown area of Washington, D.C. This is close to home for me. An added bonus with this series is that you can color the front and back covers of each book. How fun!

Scottish Bookshop Mysteries, by Paige Shelton feature a cozy bookstore in Edinburgh, Scotland. I have found that there are several cozy mystery series set in Scotland. They all sound appealing to me!

Secret, Book and Scone Society Mysteries, by Ellery Adams feature a bookstore called Miracle Books where a group of people meet and talk with the owner in exchange for a book that will somehow help them. I am very intrigued by this premise. 

Sherlock Holmes Bookshop Mysteries, by Vicki Delany feature an establishment called Sherlock Holmes Bookshop and Emporium. that specializes in none other than Sherlock Holmes.

Have you read any of these? If so, what are your thoughts on them? Tell me in the comments below!


  1. These all look like such fun reads.

    My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-fictional-bookstores-id-love-to-visit/

  2. Great tweak to this week's topic! I have Crime and Poetry but haven't read it yet. My post if you'd like to stop by: https://cindysbookcorner.blogspot.com/2022/10/top-ten-tuesday-physical-books-i-own.html

  3. This is a fun take on today's prompt. I've never read a cozy mystery and most of the books I read haven't really had bookshops in them either. I'm clearly missing out on two good niches. LOL. :D

    1. Lol Jenni. They are fun, but I could stand to branch out more. :)

  4. Great minds think alike! I did this same topic, although I featured bookish cozies not necessarily all set in bookshops. The funny thing is we only have two books in common. Awesome! Now, I have more to look into. Thanks for the recs.

    Happy TTT!

  5. I love a good cozy featuring a bookshop. Although I haven't read one in an age! I did like Terrie Farley Moran's series set in FL a few years ago... Ellery Adams too

    1. Greg, I will have to add those to my TBR list! Thanks! :-)

  6. This is a clever spin on the topic this week. That's a lot of series that feature a bookstore of some sort! Hope you have a great week and time to enjoy a good book.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  7. I love the idea of a cozy mystery set in a bookstore! What a great twist on today's topic.

  8. I love that so many cozy mysteries have bookshops in them.


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