Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday - Cozy Mysteries Prominently Featuring Cats

It's Tuesday, so I am once again linking with That Artsy Reader Girl who hosts Top Ten Tuesday. You can click on her link to view her list and the lists from other bloggers participating in this blog hop.

Today's topic is a Halloween Freebie, so I've decided to focus on cats. Cats are often associated with Halloween and we frequently find them in cozy mysteries. I will never forget the first time I discovered a cozy with a cat in it and it didn't take me long to realize they are (thankfully) all over the cozy mystery genre. 

The following cozy mystery series prominently feature cats and they are all on my TBR list. The pictures of the book covers are the first in their respective series. 

Cat Lady Mysteries, by Linda Reilly

Cat Cafe Mysteries, by Cate Conte

Cat in the Stacks Mysteries, by Miranda James

Norwegian Forest Cafe Cozy Mysteries, by Jinty James

Second Chance Cat Mysteries, by Sofie Ryan

The Crayon Kitten Cozy Mystery Series, by Constance Barker

Bookmobile Cat Mysteries, by Laurie Cass

Cats in Trouble Mysteries, by Leann Sweeney

Cat Rescue Mysteries, by T.C. LoTempio

Black cat Bookshop Mysteries, by Ali Brandon

Have you read any of them? If so, which ones would you recommend? Did I miss any coziy series that you have enjoyed featuring cats?


  1. What a cute idea for a post!

    My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-halloween-things-ive-never-done/

  2. There do seem to be lots of cats in cozies! The ones I've read mostly feature dogs, though. I haven't read any of these, but they all look fun.

    Happy TTT!

    1. Yep, our amateur sleuths sure do have their fair share of pets! :-)

  3. You win the prize for the cutest books for top ten this week! They are so adorable.

    1. Thank you, Wendy! I love cats, so this list was a joy to compile. :-)

  4. Cozies and cats are a great combo! :)

  5. Cute covers! Cats do seem to be very popular with mystery authors.


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