Friday, January 27, 2023

Felines and Fill-ins 20

Happy Felines and Fill-ins Friday! 

I am participating in three blog hops today. You can click on the host links below to read the blogs of others who are participating, and if you're a blogger, feel free to join through the links below!

QuestionDo you prefer to read in a quiet or noisy setting?

My response: I definitely prefer to read in a quiet setting. I'm easily distracted and cannot focus in a noisy setting.

FRIENDLY FILL-INS, hosted by Four-Legged Furballs and 15 and Meowing. 
1. I always forget to charge my bluetooth. I don't use it often and I usually don't remember that it needed charging until I'm ready to use it.😒

2. I never forget to feed the cats.

3. Nothing makes me relax more than reading a cozy mystery.

4.  It might sound outrageous, but I eat popcorn for breakfast.

FELINE FRIDAY, formerly hosted by Comedy Plus and now hosted by messymimi's meanderings
Bell's hair is a bit scraggly when she first wakes up.😀


  1. I love Bell's bed head!! She's adorable.

  2. Somehow i'm usually able to concentrate pretty well even with some noise and distraction, i used to do my homework on the bus.

    Popcorn for breakfast is about the same as cereal, it's a whole grain and actually not too bad a way to start the day, i believe.

    Bell looks like her pillow gives her a new hairstyle every night, just as mine does to me!

    1. Yeah, Bell takes her sleep very seriously and it shows. Lol. Very true about popcorn! I believe it's healthy. I only eat organic air-popped and I top it with grassfed ghee, nutritonal yeast, and Himalayan salt.


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