Friday, January 20, 2023

Felines and (no) Fill-ins 19

Happy Feline Friday, friends! I am participating in one blog hop today.

FELINE FRIDAY, formerly hosted by Comedy Plus and now hosted by messymimi's meanderings
Fiona and Bell have their fair share of sibling rivalry, but they really do love each other. I think this is my favorite picture I've taken of them so far. This was early in the morning today.


  1. Awww! They love each other and play fight and are wonderful. Thanks for joining Feline Friday!

  2. That is an adorable photo!!! Your cats are so cute.

  3. Darling kitties! They may not agree on everything- but they know how wonderful it is to cuddle!

    1. Thank you, Kathe! Yeah, deep down I'm sure they're glad to have each other's company. :-)


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