Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Top Ten (Minus Five) Tuesday - Favorite Audiobook Narrators

Happy Top Ten Tuesday! This blog hop is brought to us by That Artsy Reader Girl. On her blog you will see links to the blogs of others who are participating in Top Ten Tuesday. If you are a blogger, feel free to join the party through the linky on her blog post.

Today's topic is about audiobook narrators. Before this year, the only books I had listened to in audio format were non-fiction, and not too many of them. As my love of reading has grown, so has my interest in listening to audiobooks. While this format isn't my number one preference, I do sometimes find it helpful to listen to audiobooks. The library doesn't always have the books I want to read in print. Usually when this happens I do an interlibrary loan or ask the library to purchase it. However, if I only have a limited time to read it, like for a book club, I will listen to it in audio format. Between Hoopla and Libby, and two accounts with each, I'm usually able to find what I want to listen to.

Not all audiobooks resonate with me. I had trouble thinking of ten, so I'm sharing my top five favorites: 

Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder (Hannah Swensen Mystery 1), by Joanne Fluke, will always be a beloved favorite of mine. It's the book that started my cozy mystery journey and I never looked back. I first read it in print, but many months later I listened to it in audiobook format. It was as enjoyable to listen to as it was to read. It is narrated by Suzanne Toren.
I listened to Eclair and Present Danger (Emergency Dessert Squad Mystery 1), written by Laura Bradford and narrated by Vanessa Daniels, earlier this year and I loved it! I'm definitely planning to continue the series, either in print or audio. It reminded me a lot of the Hannah Swensen series, by Joanne Fluke.
I am currently listening to Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, written by J.K. Rowling and narrated by Jim Dale. For the first two in this series, I read the books in print. For the remainder of the series, I am planning to listen to the audiobooks. I am really loving Jim Dale's narration! This is by far my favorite fiction audiobook narration I've listened to.
Alexander Hamilton, by Ron Chernow, is a long book. The audiobook, narrated by Scott Brick, is 36 hours. I didn't finish it before I had to return it. Since others were waiting to borrow it, I got on the waiting list again and finished it when I borrowed it the second time. This is not typically a book I would read, but after seeing the musical on Disney+, I was interested in the book. I'm so glad I listened to the audiobook. Although I did lose focus a few times, it was worth the listen. Scott Brick perfectly narrates it.
I have been following Dr. Mark Hyman for a long time and when I learned he was writing this book, I knew I would have to read or listen to it. Food: What the Heck Should I Eat? is narrated by none other than Mark Hyman himself. I am already a healthy eater most of the time, but I still gained so much insight and practical advice from this book. I listened to it twice. The first time was just to get the gist of it, but the second time I took notes. If you're looking for a guide to healthy eating, I highly recommend this book. 

How do you feel about audiobooks? What are some of your favorites?


  1. I have not listened to any of these narrators. I LOVE audiobooks and listen to them when I crochet, drive (when I am alone), out walking, or doing chores around the house :)

    1. Cindy, I listen to audiobooks (or podcasts) while doing chores, too. :)

  2. Dale is on my list today, too. He's fabulous, isn't he?

    Happy TTT!

    1. Susan, he really brings Harry Potter to life! :-)

  3. I've heard such great things about Jim Dale's narration of Harry Potter! I love audiobooks and they now make up the majority of my reading as I listen a lot whilst out and about, commuting to work, running etc.
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2023/04/25/top-ten-tuesday-417/

    1. It is nice to have audiobooks as an option in those and other situations. :-)

  4. Since i work so much and there's nothing to stop me from listening to books as i do, i need to look into audiobooks.


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