Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday - Factors That Draw Me to a Book

Happy Top Ten Tuesday! This blog hop is brought to us by That Artsy Reader Girl. On her blog you will see links to the blogs of others who are participating in Top Ten Tuesday. If you are a blogger, feel free to join the party through the linky on her blog post.

Today's suggested topic is Things That Make me Instantly Want to Read a Book. I'm tweaking this topic a bit. I'm going to list Factors That Draw Me to a Book. If these factors apply to a book, I'm likely to consider reading it.

1.  It's categorized as a cozy mystery.
This is the main factor that attracts me to a book. It's my favorite genre.

2.  It's categorized as a cozy fantasy.
Mysteries are not the only cozy genre I'm interested in. I'm looking into reading cozy fantasies as well.

3.  It's a cozy that has a paranormal theme.
Whether it's witches, vampires, fairies, or anything paranormal, I'm interested if it's also a cozy.

4.  It's part of a series I've already been enjoying.
If I've already read at least two books in the series, it's likely that I want to continue reading more books in that series.

5.  It's the chosen book for a book club.
There's only one book club in which I read all of the selected books. For other book clubs, I will join sometimes if the selected book looks interesting and I have time to read it.

6.  I enjoyed the movie adaptation.
I almost always watch movie adaptations before reading the book. If I enjoyed the movie, it's likely I will also enjoy the book.

7.  It was recommended by someone.
Even if it's not my typical genres of choice or if I've never heard of the author, I might give it a try if it's recommended by someone. 

8.  It in some way is relevant to my life.
If I can relate to the premise, then I might read it.

9.  There is time travel involved.
I haven't read too many books with time travel, but I definitely want to. I enjoy this theme in movies.

10. It's written by an author whose books I've already been enjoying.
If an author has written a series I enjoy reading, then I might give their other books a try.

What about you? What draws you to a book and makes you consider reading it?


  1. I didn't realize that "cozy fantasy" was a genre but I guess it doesn't surprise me! I would totally be interested in those books too. Happy Reading!

    1. Thanks, Kym! I first heard the term "cozy fantasy" a few months ago and I became intrigued by it. Apparently it's a fairly new genre name and it's becoming more and more popular. :)

  2. I like cozy fantasies, too. They’re so relaxing.

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.


  3. Cozy mysteries are always fun! I love discovering new cozy series to enjoy.

    Happy TTT!

  4. Is it going to teach or inspire me?

  5. I'm yet to read a cozy fantasy despite having several such titles on my title. I will hopefully read one this summer. Happy reading! My TTT https://readwithstefani.com/things-getting-in-the-way-of-reading/

    1. Hope you discover a good one, Stefani! :)

  6. It's categorized as a cozy mystery; love this one. Do you have any recommendations? I need a good cozy mystery in my life.

    1. Erica, the possibilities are endless! If you click on the "Book Reflections" on the right sidebar of my blog, you'll see all the ones I reviewed. You can also take a look at "Top Ten Tuesday" and "What I'm Reading and Watching" where I talk about some of them. :)


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