Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Top Ten (Plus Two) Tuesday - Five-star Reviews

Happy Top Ten Tuesday! This blog hop is brought to us by That Artsy Reader Girl. On her blog you will see links to the blogs of others who are participating in Top Ten Tuesday. If you are a blogger, feel free to join the party through the linky on her blog post.

It's been a while since I've joined this blog hop, but I'm back today with a trip down Memory Lane. The topic today is a genre freebie, where we pick a genre and build a list around it. Since I've been blogging on Caboodle of Cozies for a little over a year now, I am going to share a list of the twelve cozy mysteries which, from me, received five out of five stars. Above the description of each book, I'll link to my review. They are listed in alphabetical order under their respective categories.


I have been enjoying this entire series, but this is my favorite so far. The mystery is complex and fun. I'm really looking forward to number 4 next year!

This was the first cozy I ever read, just two years ago. I am taking my time with the series and trying to savor it. I will be reading number 18 very soon.

This was another very strong installment in the Grilled Cheese Mystery series. If you're looking for a fun Halloween-themed cozy, I highly recommend this one. However, I recommend reading Up to No Gouda, the first one, first. (I have not reviewed the first one on my blog because I read it before I started blogging here.)
This is a really fun first in series and I am planning to continue it. Dep, the cat, is one of my favorite cozy companions. The second book is set in the fall, I believe, so that's when I'll read or listen to it.


This is a light-hearted paranormal with a delightful fairy amateur sleuth sidekick. I especially loved the birthday theme in this third installment.
This is the first one in the same light-hearted series. While I am really enjoying the entire series, these two are my favorites so far. This first installment was the first paranormal I ever read and I was surprised how much I enjoyed it. If you're on the fence about reading a paranormal cozy, I recommend giving this one a try.
I was so happy when I found this author. The amateur sleuth is a physically disabled vampire who has the same disability that the author does. This is the prequel novella to a series of three full-length books so far. I have not read the other books yet, put I'm planning to read the first one in the fall.
This is another prequel novella that I really enjoyed. The first novel in this Bewitcher's Beach Paranormal Cozy series will be released later this year and I'm so looking forward to reading it.
I'm currently reading the fifth book in this series that I've been enjoying since book 1. There is a friendly ghost in this series. It's very light on the paranormal aspect, so if you're on the fence about reading a cozy with this theme, this might be another one you could try. It of course is also a library-themed cozy, but it has more to do with planning events for the library. This first book takes place around Halloween and Thanksgiving.
Oh, how I love this book! The writing is so descriptive and, at times, emotional. It's the first cozy that made me cry. It deals a lot with grief, but it isn't a sad book. I found it fun and uplifting.
The second in this same series also earned five stars. I can't say enough good things about both books in the series.


This is the only cozy I read in one day and it's also the funniest one I've read. It's impressive how much the author clearly knows about bead-making. I loved this first in series, and I will be reading the rest of them.

Which of these look enticing to you? What are some of your favorite five star reads over the past year?


  1. Fun topic! I love it when I can give a book five stars. It doesn’t happen that often, so it’s special when it does. :)

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.

  2. Oooh! 5 star reads! This is a pretty awesome theme for this week! Awesome list!

    Here’s my Top Ten Tuesday

    Rabbit Ears Book Blog: WORLD’S WEIRDEST BOOK BLOG!

    1. Thank you, Ronyell! It was fun to look back at those reviews. :)

  3. Welcome back to TTT! I've missed you around here :)

    I haven't read any of these cozies, although I really want to read the Reilly one. A grilled cheese sandwich sounds really good right now...

    Happy TTT!

    1. Awww, thank you Susan. :-) Grilled Cheese always sounds good to me! :-)

  4. This is great! I LOVE humor in my books so High Strung appeals to me :)

    1. Cindy, there are definitely some laugh out loud moment in that book. I think you might enjoy it. :-)


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