Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Golden Gratitude - A is for Authors

Welcome to ABCs of Golden Gratitude!

Each day for the next 26 days, I will take a letter of the alphabet and write about one thing I'm grateful for that begins with that letter. This is something I used to do every November in an online forum that ended in January of 2020. I continued the tradition on a blog that became a springboard for Caboodle of Cozies, so I thought it would be fun to continue the tradition here. With November being NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), I guess you could say this is my version of that, with a grateful twist. Best of luck to all who are participating in the actual NaNoWriMo!

I invite you to play along. In the comments below, tell me what you're grateful for that begins with the letter of the day.  If you are a day late (or more) you can still go back to each day you missed and comment. My posts aren't going anywhere. :-) I've added a label called "Golden Gratitude" on the right sidebar so they will be easy to find.

I will still continue my usual posts, so some days this month I will publish two posts.

Today is National Author's Day, so for A I'm giving thanks for all of the authors who write the books we bookworms love to read. In addition to writing those books, I've had the opportunity to connect through email and social media with many of them. It's been a joy getting to know them, while also reading their books. I can't imagine how challenging it must be to balance writing books with having an online presence. I'm grateful for the time authors take to write and connect with us.

Your turn! What are you grateful for that begins with A? You can expand on mine or come up with your own. Tell me in the comments below!


  1. A is for autumn and its pretty colors.

    1. Well, as you know, Mihail, I agree with you. :-)

  2. I guess I'd have to copy your A because of all the great books they write. I love to be transported to another place...reading is so relaxing for me. Not to mention meeting so many wonderful authors online. Great post, Meezan.

    1. Thanks, Yvonne. Armchair traveling is so much fun without the hassle. :-)

  3. I'm also thankful for authors, for without those who write, those of us who read would be lost!

  4. I think being thankful for authors is a great one for A!

    1. The challenge will be to name something different for next year! :)


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