Friday, July 26, 2024

The Friday Six 8

Happy Friday!

I guess my blog has been on a bit of a break. I didn't intend for that to happen, but such is life sometimes. I'm trying to get back into the swing of things, slowly but surely.

Today I'm participating in six blog hops.  You can click on the host links below to find the blogs of others who are participating in each blog hop. If you're a blogger, feel free to join through the host links.

Question: August is National Romance Awareness Month. Do you have a favorite romantic book to suggest to other readers eager to celebrate love through literature. 

My response: I love romcoms and romance books similar to Hallmark movies, but with more emotional depth. The first book I read this year was a novella, Choosing Love (Mapleton 0.5), by Leah Dobrinska. I loved it and I am continuing the series. I also loved My Phony Valentine (Holiday with Hart 1), by Courtney Walsh. I'm continuing this series as well. I am likely to read any books by these authors and other authors with similar writing styles. I've also enjoyed books by Nicholas Sparks, but I have not read any of his in years.

Today's excerpts are from the e-ARC format of I'll Be Home for Mischief (Christmas Tree Farm Mystery 5), by Jacqueline Frost.

Here is the beginning:
Downtown Mistletoe, Maine, was a merry and bustling place any day of the year, but just ten days before Christmas, my hometown really put on a show.

And here is an excerpt from 56%:
I glared at his outstretched fingers but eventually caved, accepting the shake. "Fine. Let's get this over with." They were unlikely to leave me alone until I talked, so I'd might as well rip off the bandage.

I love this Christmas-themed cozy mystery series, and this installment is no exception. My goal is to publish my review next Tuesday, the last day for Christmas in July.

Fiona loves shadows, even her own. It probably makes her feel big and strong, kind of like that meme where the kitten paints a self-portrait and it's a lion.
It's been so hot and humid most of the time, so I was beginning to think I was going to miss seeing the crepe myrtles around my building this year. I was able to get out for a walk recently, though. This picture is from a previous summer, but it's from one of the trees that's still around my building.


  1. What a great picture of Fiona! The Jacqueline Frost book sounds good. I hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you, Yvonne! It is a fun series with all the cozy Christmas feels. :)

  2. The cat and shadow photo is so well composed. It is funny to be that she notices her shadow.

  3. It's not often I have enough reading time to give some to a romance, but if I do, I'll try to remember these.

    We do love our crepe myrtles and some are still blooming now, too. I'm glad you got out to see them.

    Fiona does look fit and strong and her shadow is a reflection of it. Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

  4. Shadows can be fascinating! The crepe myrtle is beautiful.

  5. I don't read a lot of romance books, but I look forward to your reccomendations. this week I went with his 'summer vibes' question.

  6. What a beautiful Crepe Myrtle...I adore the shade of pink!


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