Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The Summer of Yes, by Courtney Walsh


I have read a couple of books by Courtney Walsh and I loved them, so when The Summer of Yes was available on NetGalley, I immediately requested it. I was delighted to learn I was approved! While the previous two I read by this author are romcoms (My Phony Valentine and My Lucky Charm), The Summer of Yes is women's fiction, with a little bit of romance and some humor.

Kelsey Worthington is a junior editor whose job it is to help other people tell their stories. She is dedicated to her career and thrives off of routines. 

However, after a near-death experience and a chance encounter with an ailing successful businesswoman, Georgina Tate, Kelsey rethinks her life choices and literally takes her newfound friend along for the ride. 

In the first 20% of the book, Kelsey spends quite a bit of time contemplating her summer of yes and trying to convince Georgina to partner with her. I understand that the premise of the story needs to be set up, but I would have preferred to get into the saying yes portion sooner, Once it did, I was hooked. This is why I never give up on books that start slow simply for that reason. The payoff was worth it.

Kelsey's and Georgina's summer of yes starts small. They vow to say yes to things they have said no to in the past, while being open to saying yes to new adventures that come up. For example, Kelsey starts by saying yes to spending the day at the zoo in the middle of the week when she would normally be at work. Gradually, bigger issues arise and saying yes isn't so easy. They don't say yes to everything. They don't put themselves in danger, but they do say yes to finding ways around obstacles.

There are two budding romances with some humor sprinkled in. The romances are unlike anything I've read. I was genuinely curious to find out how everything would come together in the end, in the romance department and otherwise. 

There are some heavy topics that are addressed in this book, but I'd still classify it as a light read. I am finding that this is Courtney Walsh's writing style. She aims to make readers feel happy, while addressing serious, real-life situations. Her characters can be flawed, as humans are, but they are loveable. Say yes to The Summer of Yes if you're looking for this type of book to read. You just may be inspired to say yes more often to your own life choices.

Thank you to NetGalley and Thomas Nelson Fiction for providing me with a free eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.


  1. Some days I wish I could say no to some things and yes to others. It sounds like a great read.

  2. I prefer her RomCom's over her women's fiction, so I will be curious to see what I think of this one. Great review!

    1. Cindy, I do think her romcoms are better (at least judging from the few books I've read/listened to by her). I'm looking forward to finding out what you think of The Summer of Yes. :)


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