Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sunday Post 90

Hi everyone!

Through Monday, I am linking with the following: 

On the above blogs you will be able to see links to the posts from others who are participating in those blog hops, and if you're a blogger, you can join too. 

Last week is a bit of a blur. I wasn't feeling my best some days, and on the days when I felt better I had a lot to do. So I didn't get a lot of reading it and I didn't even watch too many movies. I did get some things accomplished, though, so  let's see where I'm at.

Click on 2024 Bookish Challenges on the right sidebar to see how I'm doing with this year's goals.

I listened to The Widows of Malabar Hill (Perveen Mistry Mystery 1), written by Sujata Massey and narrated by Soneela Nankani. While this genre is not in my wheelhouse, it's so well-written.  It is set between 1916-1921 in India.  It's a  mystery, but not a cozy. Some serious topics, such as infidelity and abuse, are covered. The audiobook narration is outstanding.

I'm about 70% through The Summer of Yes, by Courtney Walsh, and I'm enjoying it. The first 20% of this book is a bit slow, but after that it gets better. Once we get into the "saying yes" part of the book, it gradually picks up and becomes very engaging. I'm curious to find out how everything will come together in the end.
Yesterday, I received a paperback ARC of Murder on the Page (Literary Dining Mystery 1), by Daryl Wood Gerber. I love her Fairy Garden Mysteries and I knew I wanted to read this one, so I accepted when she offered me an ARC. It releases in October, but I've already started reading it. I was not expecting to receive an ARC of this book (a signed paperback, at that!). 

I have a Murdle update! I finished the first half of the book (the first 50 logic puzzles). So, now I'm ready to start level 3 in Volume 1. The first 50 puzzles involved figuring out the suspects, the weapons, and the locations. Level 3 involves all of that, plus figuring out the motives. I've been doing the daily puzzles (most days) on the website, so I know what this will involve.
Crime and Parchment
 (Rare Books Mystery 1), by Daphne Silver, won the Agatha Award at Malice Domestic this year for Best First Mystery Novel (and I was there to see her win!). I've been wanting to read it ever since, so this is still up next. I will listen to the audiobook, which I can access on Hoopla. Daphne Silver is a local author to me. This book is set in my home state of Maryland.
I still have Claws of Death (Fatal Food Festival Mystery 1) on my TBR, but I will have to pivot and postpone it for now.
  • Psych - I'm still on season 3. I looked up a ranking of all the seasons on a few different websites. They consistently have this season at the top. Oddly enough, this is my least favorite season so far. I've watched seasons 1, 2, 4, 5, and most of 3. I'm still enjoying the show, but the episodes in this season, for the most part, have not been my favorites.
  • My Dreams of You - This is a summer-themed Hallmark premiere and it is my favorite Hallmark premiere so far this year!! I absolutely loved everything about it and will watch it again. It does require suspension of reality, but isn't that often the case with movies anyway? It's about a woman who has recurring dreams of a handsome stranger, but there is a mix-up in Dream Central. You have to watch it to see how this fun plot unfolds. It's the perfect blend of magic and reality.
Have a great week!


  1. Glad you're feeling better! I see a few books I plan to add to my reading list. I hope you have a great week!

    1. Thank you, Vicki! It's mostly the mornings where I've been struggling, which is frustrating because that's typically my favorite time of day. But if I don't get off to a good start, it affects my entire day. Thank you! You too! :)

  2. I've been feeling bad this week. I think there's a lot of stuff going around right now. Whatever it was I had---it seems to be lingering a bit.

    Murdle sounds like a blast. You need to tell us more.

    1. Deb, there definitely is stuff going around right now. I hope you feel better soon. I should have linked back to my original post on Murdle. I'll tell you more in next Sunday's post. :)

  3. I've been wanting to give Murdle a try. Congrats on getting that far. Hope you continue to feel better.

    1. Thank you, Barb! If you want to try it, check out the free daily puzzles on the Murdle website. :-)

  4. I'm sorry you weren't feeling well this week. I'm glad you are doing better now.

  5. Murder on the Page looks good. I hope you are feeling more like yourself this week.

  6. I hope this next week is better.


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