Sunday, August 6, 2023

Sunday Post 42

Hello, friends!

On these blogs you will be able to see links to the posts from others who are participating in these blog hops, and if you're a blogger, you can join too. 

So, I'm considering getting a Kindle device, or something similar, because I'd rather not use my phone for reading books. While I prefer physical books, I do read e-books sometimes. Do you have any recommendations for which Kindle device I should look into? I'm also very open to other companies that are comparable to Kindle with their selection of books. I don't need anything fancy, just something that allows me to read the books on a device that is separate from my phone.

To see how I'm doing with my 2023 bookish challenges, click on 2023 Bookish Challenges on the right sidebar. 

I finished reading 
A Christmas Candy Killing (Killer Chocolate Mystery 1), by Christina Romeril. I really enjoyed this book and I can't wait to read the next one in the series when it's released. To read some excerpts from this book, click here. To read my review, click here.
I started reading The Firefly Jar (Crickley Creek 1), by Laurie Beach.  This contemporary southern romance is such a refreshing change from the cozy mysteries I usually read. To find out a little more about this book and read some excerpts from it, click here.
I also started reading Death on Cozumel Island (Claire O'Keefe Mystery 1), by Cindy Quayle. This is a cozy mystery e-book that I won from the author in a giveaway. Reading this book makes me feel like I'm on a scuba diving vacation, which is nice because I'd never really scuba dive.
The August pick for The Cozy Mystery Book Club is A Killer Plot (Books by the Bay Mystery 1), by Ellery Adams. I'm going to start listening to it this week. The audiobook about ten hours long and I'll probably only listen to about an hour a day, so I want to give myself plenty of time to finish it by the end of the month. This is the only book on this list that isn't a debut by the author. I listened to Pies and Prejudice earlier this year and I'm curious to find out how this one compares to that book.
  • Hallmark movies - I watched A Lifelong Love, which wasn't perfect, but I enjoyed. I also watched Aloha Heart, which, for me, fell into the beautiful scenery, but weak plot trap. This one was filmed in Hawaii. There are very few destination movies on Hallmark that I have really enjoyed.
  • Friends - I took a break from this show for a while, but I'm back to watching several episodes a week in order. I'm a little more than halfway through the first season (for about the 5th time on the blu-rays). I need to find a re-watch podcast for this show. If you know of any, please do tell! Maybe at some point I'll do a Friends re-watch segment on my Sunday Posts.
Wishing you a wonderful week!


  1. I have two Kindle e-readers and a Kobo. I love all of them. With Kindle I have a Paperwhite and Oasis. The Paperwhite is cheaper. What I like about the Oasis is that you can either swipe the pages or push the buttons on the side to advance to the next page (or go back). But, it's much more money. I got mine on sale years ago. I, also, use Kobo which I love, too. I have the Libra which also has the buttons on the side. The cheaper ones without the buttons are just as good, though. I never thought I would, but I have totally switched from physical books to e-books. I was so resistant at first, but I love my e-readers now. Whatever you decide, I'm sure it will be right for you. Have a great week!

    1. Thanks, Yvonne! I will look into all of these. :-)

    2. I answered your question on my blog about Kobo, but just in case you didn't see it, I will post it here too. My Kobo is really wonderful. I love it. I signed up for a newsletter from They give you a list of all freebies available for different e-readers.

    3. Thank you so much, Yvonne! I just signed up for the freebooksy emails. :-)

  2. I have a Kobo ereader and love it. For me havign an e-ink screen was very important as I find that reads more comfortable.

    A Christmas Candy Killing sounds good! I'll have to check that out. A Killer Plot sounds interesting too. I love cozies and am currently reading a cosy mystery as well.

    1. Lola, I had never heard of an e-ink screen before, so I looked it up. That seems like it would be a good fit for me. I think some Kobo e-readers are made with recycled materials, which is also a plus! :-)

  3. I'm about to get started with a Christmas book too, even though it's blazing hot outside. Here's my SP:

    1. Bonnie, I read it for Christmas in July. I'm back to warm weather books now. :-)

  4. Sounds cozy. Adding Death on Cozumel Island to my TBR.

  5. I have a Kindle PAperwhite but that's the only Kindle I've had. I usually like a physical book but I've been happy with it.

    I liked Books by the Bay I think I read the first two, plus I read a few of her Library mysteries as well.

    1. Thanks for the Kindle info., Greg. I have the library series on my list. :-)

  6. If you buy all your ebooks from Amazon it's easier if you get a Kindle - I've got an Oasis, but the new Paperwhite is cheaper and has updated lots of things. If you don't want to be locked into the Amazon eco-system, before you buy is a good time to make that decision . I love my Kindle, but don't love Jeff Bezos so much!

    1. So far, I haven't bought any e-books at all. I've gotten them all when they were free or through a giveaway. Most are from Amazon, but I'm starting to grab more from Kobo. If I can find something at least somewhat comparable, I'd rather buy an e-reader not affiliated with Amazon. :)

  7. I hope you find something that works well for you. An e-reader would be very nice to have when away from home.

  8. Yes I prefer print too but my Kindle Paperwhite is great too and I can get books through there that I can't get otherwise. Your books look great. Would hate to read on my phone.

    1. Kathryn, that's what I'm finding too. Kindle has books that my library doesn't have (though they usually purchase it after I request it if it's available in print). :-)

  9. Added Death on Cozumel Island to my radar. Sounds like fun. Thanks for mentioning it.

    I should get a Kindle since about 50% of the books I read these days are ebooks. But I have a hard time buying something to read them on when I can use the app on my phone. But that is a small screen.

    1. You're welcome, Mark! That's exactly why I haven't bought an e-reader yet. I figured I could just use my phone. But I'm starting to read more e-books, even though it's still fewer than the ones I read in print, and I have this (probably irrational) fear that it will run the battery down on my phone and then I won't be able to read my books nor use my phone. :O

  10. I have had a bunch of Kindles since I do most of my book shopping at Amazon. My newest is a Paperwhite I bought on sale. 99% of my reading is on my Kindle these days. I like the convenience. I find free or low-cost ebooks via a couple of email newsletters - The Fussy Librarian and BookBub. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. Kathy, the Paperwhite seems to be very popular, I'm learning. Thanks for the newsletter options. I'll definitely look into those. :-)

  11. I paid about $50 for my very simple Kindle, and I like it very much. It holds all my books. The battery lasts a long time. I can read with it outside, without glare. I download lots of books for free from my libraries, so it will pay for itself very quickly, I think.

    1. Wow, that's a great deal! Yes, I would think that would pay for itself very quickly! :)

  12. I have an Oasis currently, which I love, but for a more affordable option if that's an issue, I definitely think the Paperwhite is the way to go. I used to have a Paperwhite and loved it. I had a Kinde Fire for awhile, but for book reading, I didn't care for it too much. I now have a Samsung Tablet which I use for my B&N nook books (I used to have a Nook but wasn't too taken with it). The cool thing about my Samsung (or any non-Kindle tablet, really--it's like reading on a phone, but bigger which is nice) is that I also have the Kindle app on it so can read my Kindle books too in a pinch. I don't particularly like reading off my tablet as a first choice, but I have so many Nook books from my Nook days and sometimes the formatting of certain e-books work better on the tablet. I wish you luck with whatever you decide to do!

    Your current reads both sound good as to your upcoming books. I hope you enjoy them! I love a good cozy mystery and romance is a good palate cleanser to mix things up. Have a great week!

    1. Thank you for the info.! Yes, the romance is a good palate cleanser. I wish you a wonderful week, too! :)

  13. An e-reader for when i'm not home is starting to sound appealing to me, too.

    You always have such a nice list of things you want to read.

    1. Thank you. And that list just keeps growing! :-)


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