Friday, October 20, 2023

Four for Friday - Bookstores, Popcorn, and Paper

Happy Friday, friends!

Today I'm participating in four blog hops. The host for Friday 56 is taking a break, but I'll continue to share excerpts. You can click on the host links below to read the blogs of others who are participating in each blog hop. If you're a blogger, feel free to join through their links!

Question: Have you ever become disoriented in a bookstore?

My response: No, I can't remember this ever happening to me.

Today's excerpts are from the e-book format of Magic, Movies, and Murder (Bewitcher's Beach Mystery 1), by Emily Fluke.

Here are the first few of sentences:
Steam curled from the bag of popcorn I carried down the aisle of the brightly colored comedy films. The smell wafted from the wall of the new releases to the front of the video rental shop. Buttery goodness filled Mockbuster's every nook and cranny, and I wielded its delicious scent like a weapon against unsuspecting customers.
And here's an excerpt from 56%:
Why did Dr. Pitt expel the aroma of fear so suddenly at the mention of Cliff? Sure the doctor was often nervous, but the rising stench far surpassed ordinary anxiety.

This book was published just a couple of weeks ago, but it is set in the 1990s. It's filled with nostalgia from that decade. As someone who loves popcorn with a passion, those first few lines pulled me in right away. I recommend having popcorn to snack on while reading the book.

The excerpt from 56% is an example of how our amateur sleuth uses the sense of smell to detect feelings. She is a werewolf who can transform into a human, but with werewolf features. 

This book was a five star read for me and I'm looking forward to sharing my review.

I laughed so hard when this happened. Fiona, not so much.

I had something delivered. The item was wrapped in paper. I had the box with the paper in it on a table, with the intention of breaking it down and discarding the paper later. The girls had other plans. Apparently, they love to snuggle up with paper. Bell went into the box first, and, as you can see, made herself quite comfortable. She even kicked up her feet while she had her bath. As you can probably tell, Fiona was not happy with this situation. She wanted to go inside the box, but Bell kept smacking her. Eventually, Fiona did force her way in and Bell jumped out. The box is big enough for both of them, but it would be crowded. So, the box is staying (in a different spot on the floor) and they take turns napping in it. They prefer this box with the paper in it over the two boxes with blankets I have out for them.


  1. I do love the smell of movie theater popcorn! Magic, Movies, and Murder sounds like a great read. I bet I would like it. A werewolf amateur sleuth! Sounds fun.

    I am glad Fiona and Bell are taking turns now with the box. :-) My two do that with delivery boxes too. It's always so funny to watch.

    I hope you have a great weekend!

    1. My preference is air-popped popcorn that I make at home, but yes the smell of it is enticing! It's one of my two favorite foods (the other being maple syrup). This really was a delightful read. Emily Fluke's writing is so descriptive. The subtle details right down to the way the werewolf's ears move back and forth when she's thinking really made me smile. :-)

  2. A person with a dog or wolf's sense of smell, no matter how he/she got it, would certainly be handy for detecting.

    Fiona and Bell are wonderful, and like sisters, they are best friends and best frenemies. Thank you for joining Feline Friday!

    1. So true about the sense of smell and detective work! Fiona and Bell are sisters. :-) They don't look alike, but they are from the same litter. That's a good way to put it - they are best friends and best frenemies. :)


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