Saturday, October 21, 2023

Puzzle 56 - Movie Time

Today's puzzle is related to a book I just finished reading, Magic, Movies, and Murder (Bewitcher's Beach Mystery 1), by Emily Fluke. It involves movies and popcorn! I shared excerpts on yesterday's Four For Friday and I will post a review in a few days. 

The default for this puzzle is 99 non-rotating pieces and that's what I used to complete it. It didn't take me as long to complete as I thought it would. My time was 15:19. I am going to leave it this way for the default, but you can always change the number of pieces by clicking on the little puzzle piece icon on the bottom left of the puzzle board. That will take you to Jigsaw Planet where you can make changes and work on it.

Also, you can sign up for a free account with Jigsaw Planet and this will allow you to take a break, come back later, and pick up where you left off. Or you can just not bother with all of that and complete it right here on my blog.



  1. I had to change it to 35 pieces. The more complicated ones are just beyond me.

    1. I'm glad they have that option. About 35 pieces is usually what I prefer. :)

  2. I play games on Just Play, its great fun, plus you can earn cash. I love your puzzles!! My friend just got a 1000 piece Charles W. Puzzle of old time Buffalo NY!! And a great cozy mystery I just read is called A Murder Most Cozy by Pizza London, great read!!

    1. I haven't done a 1000 piece in a while, mostly because of the cats. Sounds like a very cozy cozy! :)


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