Saturday, October 14, 2023

Puzzle 55 - Fall Drink

I am trying something new with this puzzle. The default had 96 pieces, but I customized it to just 35. Hopefully that's the one that posts here. It may give you the option to choose if you want to use 96 or 35 pieces. If not, remember you can customize the number of pieces if you work on it through the Jigsaw Planet website.

This one took me 3:33 using 35 non-rotating pieces. 

UPDATE: This way of posting the puzzle was doing strange things to the appearance of my blog, so I deleted the html code and I'm sharing the web address for the puzzle instead. You'll have to copy and paste the link. It isn't clickable.


  1. I did this with 96 pieces and it took me 15:29. I liked the challenge.

  2. I had to get on the site to change it back to 35, and then I was able to do it in 3:45, just a bit longer than you.

  3. Wow, I love that puzzle, didn't even know you could do that!! But I love seeing your cozies, I just started one that's an arc, and I already love it!! Have a great week!!

    1. Thanks, Jo! Glad you are enjoying the ARC! :)


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