Monday, November 6, 2023

Golden Gratitude - F is for Falling Back

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F is for falling back. I'm grateful for the earlier sunrise time, now that daylight savings time has ended. I like daylight early in the morning, but not too early like it is in the summer. Right now it's just perfect for me. I don't mind the earlier sunsets because I usually start to wind down at that time anyway.


  1. I didn't have any issues with the time change this time. I'm happy about that.

    Have a fabulous day and week. ♥

    1. Thank you, Sandee! You too! I'm glad you didn't have any issues with the time change. Unfortunately, my cats neglected to turn their clocks back, so they were up bright and extra early Sunday morning! :-)

  2. I am glad they gave us our hour back, I am not glad they will take it away again next spring. Let the whole world reset the clocks by 30 minutes, just once, and splitting the difference, and be done with it!


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