Saturday, May 4, 2024

Sunday Post 78

Hi everyone! Happy National Mystery Month!

Through Monday, I am linking with the following: 

On the above blogs you will be able to see links to the posts from others who are participating in those blog hops, and if you're a blogger, you can join too. 

I had a mostly uneventful week. Another dentist appointment is behind me. I had a cleaning, which went well. My new hygienist did a much more thorough job cleaning my teeth than my previous dentist did, so I'm happy I switched. She informed me that hygienists usually do a more thorough job cleaning teeth than dentists do because that's precisely what they're trained to do. 

My next hurdle is getting fitted for a crown at the end of the month. I'm nervous, but I do feel a little better about it than I did before. One of my biggest challenges at the dentist is getting comfortable in the chair. My hygienist worked with me to find that sweet spot of comfort, so hopefully my dentist will do the same for the crown molding procedure. I was even able to see the television on the ceiling during my cleaning. There was a cool show on about lizards.

So, obviously I didn't follow through with my plan to share my Malice experience this past week. What I'll do instead is for the next three weeks, I'll share on my Sunday Posts. I'll write about one Malice day each week.

Malice Domestic Day 1 - Friday
If you enjoy traditional mysteries (including, but not limited to cozy mysteries), this is the convention for you. It's held annually the last weekend in April at the Bethesda Marriot Conference Center.
I'll go in order starting with Friday morning after signing in, getting my name tag and registration bag, and attending the new-to-Malice session.
Friday 10 a.m.:
Malice Go Round was like speed dating, but with authors talking about their books. They also handed out bookmarks, business cards, chocolate, and even a miniature card deck.
90 minutes.
40 authors.
20 tables (if I remember correctly) with
8 fans at each table.
2 authors at each table talked for 2 minutes each.
I was exhausted after this event and I'm not even the one who had to do the talking and rotating! I enjoyed learning about new-to-me authors and their books, as well as hearing from ones I was already familiar with.
The rest of the day consisted of lunch on my own (I was grateful for the down time), a rom-cozy (romance in cozy mysteries) panel, buying books, author signings, mingling with authors and readers in the Hospitality Room (more on that later), and having dinner with internet turned in-person friends.

I don't want this post to be super long, so stay tuned for Day 2 on next week's Sunday Post!

Click on 2024 Bookish Challenges on the right sidebar to see how I'm doing with this year's goals.

I listened to the first full-length novel in the Ducal Detective Mystery series, written by Sarah E. Burr and narrated by Melissa Green. A Summit in Shadow is the fourth book in the series. Like all others before it, I really enjoyed it. I have two more to go, then I'll post an overall review of the series.
I finished Six Feet Deep Dish (Deep Dish Mystery 1), by Mindy Quigley. I switched to the audiobook so I could finish it in time for The Cozy Mystery Book Club meetup. The narration is well done by Holly Adams and recipes are included, which doesn't always happen in audiobooks. I'll post a review next week, but in the meantime you can read some excerpts here.
I started listening to Throne of Threats, written by Sarah E. Burr and narrated by Melissa Green. It has the same vibe as all the previous ones in the series, so I'm sure I will enjoy it.

I'm so excited that I was asked to read and review The Man in Lower Ten, by Mary Roberts Rinehart. The original, which I have not read, was written in 1909. The updated version I'll be reading is a rewrite of it in a more contemporary, easy-to-read style. The story involves a train. I love movies and books with trains in them. And of course I also enjoy mysteries.
I may have time to start another book this week too - Mother's Day Murder (Holiday Cozy Mystery 2), by Tonya Kappes. I loved Four Leaf Felony, so I'm really excited to continue reading this series.

  • The Way Home - I'm halfway through my season 1 rewatch. I like binging this show rather than waiting a week to watch each episode. I should be done with both seasons in a couple of weeks, then I'll review season 2.
  • Murder, She Wrote - The last episode I watched was the 16th one in season 3. I will probably post a review of this season when I'm done. I have some thoughts to share that didn't apply to the first two seasons.
  • Falling in Love in Niagara - I thought this was a very enjoyable Hallmark premiere. However, I did have an issue with one plot point. I enjoyed the leads and would love to see them in another movie together.
  • Curious Caterer: Foiled Plans - I have got to catch up on reviewing this series. I still haven't reviewed the movie before this one. Foiled Plans was quite enjoyable even though I did correctly identify the culprit as soon as this character was introduced.
  • Branching Out - Although there were a few questionable moments in this movie, I did really enjoy it. It was much better than I thought it was going to be. In fact, it is my second favorite Hallmark premiere of the year so far after Sense and Sensibility.
Have a great week!


  1. It sounds like you've been very busy. I hope the dentist can figure a way to keep you comfortable in the chair.

  2. I had to get my first crown in 2020. It wasn't as bad an experience as I feared it would be. Hopefully, your dentist will do a good job for you as well.

    1. Thank you, Mark. That is good to know! :)

  3. I've always wanted to go to Malice. It would be the perfect convention for me but it's too far. I loved reading your recap of day 1 and I look forward to the rest. Have a great week!

    1. Yvonne, I understand. If Malice wasn't in my home state of Maryland, I'm not sure I would go. Thank you, and you too! :)

  4. Malice sounds interesting and I am glad you enjoyed it. Have a great week!

  5. Malice go round sounds like so much fun! Maybe not for the author but def for the readers. What a great thing to do!! #Bookdate

    1. As tiring as it was for the authors, I believe they had fun too. :)

  6. I love book conventions but they are defintely tiring!! I have one coming up in June which I am looking forward to!

    Have a great week.

    1. Awesome, Marg! I'm sure you will enjoy it! Thank you. You too! :)

  7. Sounds like a great convention! I'd like to attend a mystery convention since I've been to a few science fiction conventions. I hope the dentist can find a way to make you comfortable. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  8. Malice sounds absolutely a lot of fun, if tiring. I'd be like you needing a quiet lunch by myself.

    1. Yep, I scheduled breaks for myself throughout the weekend. :)

  9. It looks like you had an interesting reading week. I was intrigued by the Ducal Detective Mysteries, but alas, none of my libraries carry any books in the series!

    1. Cheriee, if you're on Kindle Unlimited, the entire collection is there. Just look up "Ducal Detective Mysteries". If you like audiobooks (these audiobooks are REALLY good!), they are also on Audible. It comes as a collection of 6 books (some are novellas), so it should count as one purchase. :-)

  10. We are fortunate to have our wonderful brother-in-law as our dentist. It certainly helps to ease the concerns when you know your dentist like...well, like a brother.

    I look forward to hearing more about your Malice experience.

    1. Thanks, Deb. That's wonderful to have a dentist in the family! :)

  11. I was at the dentist's this week, but for my daughter. She officially has joined the braces club. We have to go back next week. I see my hygienist more often than I see my dentist. He's always in and out so quick. That's so cool that there's a television you can watch during the cleaning! I usually just stare at the tiles on the ceiling. LOL I get really nervous about going to the dentist for big things too. I hope the crown process goes well for you!

    I have heard about the Malice Convention and it always sounds like such fun. I am glad you had a good time!

    It looks like you read some great books recently! I hope you are having a great week!

    1. Thank you. I see my hygienist more than my dentist too. I think that's the way it normally works. My last dentist didn't have a hygienist, which probably should have been a red flag. Have a great weekend! :)


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