Saturday, May 11, 2024

Sunday Post 79

Hi everyone! Happy Mother's Day to all kinds of moms!

Through Monday, I am linking with the following: 

On the above blogs you will be able to see links to the posts from others who are participating in those blog hops, and if you're a blogger, you can join too. 

We had some uncomfortably humid weather last week, but Friday was nice and cool with some rain (which I didn't mind) and Saturday has been delightful with cooler temps in the 50s, sunshine most of the day, and low humidity. We did have a rain shower this evening, but it was a nice, gentle rain. At one point the sun was shining while it was raining. I checked for a rainbow, but didn't see one. Many people did.

Did anyone see the Northern Lights? Friday night was too cloudy in Central Maryland to see anything and tonight (Saturday) isn't supposed to be much of a lightshow either. However, conditions may be just right to see it on Sunday night. I will definitely check!

I had my annual "goat therapy" session today. I visited the local farm to play with the goats. I got to hold a precious little baby goat for about 15-20 minutes. He started dining on my hair. I mean, he had a big chunk of it in his mouth and was chomping down on it. It was a bizarre feeling. I had just washed my hair, too. Go figure. 

Two twin goats were born on my birthday, but they had no interest in being held. Someone who works at the farm was chasing one of them. She was trying her best to let me hold them, which never happened. It became a really funny game, one that the goat won. I did get to meet them and their mamma, though. I also met the two lambs that were born on my birthday. While at the farm, I also visited the fairy forest that is a little area in the woods filled with fairy homes that locals made. I got lots of exercise with all the walking I did.

Malice Domestic Day 2 - Saturday
Last week I wrote about Day 1, so now I'll tell you about Day 2.
At 9 a.m. some of us met in the lobby of the hotel to mingle and pose for a picture. I had planned on attending a panel session that morning, but completely forgot about it. That happens when there are so many things to do and people to see. I was totally fine with this, as I loved the opportunity to chat with authors and internet-turned-in person friends. When attending Malice, have a plan, but be flexible.
After that, I visited the silent auction. Once you register, you can bid online until it closes (which was noon that day). I bid on one package, but someone swooped in and beat me to it in the last five minutes the silent auction was open. I had never bid in an auction before, so that was a fun new experience. There was a live auction the night before, but I didn't go. It was too late for me and I was exhausted. After visiting the silent auction, I went back up to my room to recharge.
Next, I attended the first ever in-person Bookish Hour hosted by Sarah E. Burr and J.C. Kenney. I have seen their Bookish Moments and Bookish Hours on YouTube live, so it was fun to see it in person. They interviewed a few authors that I learned a lot about. The recording is available on their It's Bookish Time YouTube channel.
After The Bookish Hour, I had lunch with Sarah and J.C. What a nice opportunity that was to have some time to just sit down and chat and get to know them better.
After that, I went back up to my room again to recharge. It was a long walk from the conference center to my room and I tend to walk slowly, especially since I was also pushing my cart, so I always had to give myself about a half hour or more to get to where I was going. Plus, you never knew who you'd see along the way. It wasn't uncommon to randomly meet authors like that. And they were all so very generous with their time, always willing to stop and chat with us fans and pose for pictures.
A note about the walking - I really didn't mind it. I was glad to get the exercise.
Next, I went downstairs for the 2:00 and 3:00 author signing sessions. This was always in the Dealer Room where books were being sold. Yes, I did buy some books, but I also brought ones I already owned to have signed.
The signings didn't take long, so in between signing sessions I hung out in the Hospitality Room. This was a good place to relax, mingle, and pick up some freebies. I visited the Hospitality Room a few times over the course of the weekend and there was always something different to pick up or someone different to mingle with - both authors and readers.
Next, I went back up to my room to relax and recharge until the banquet where we had dinner and the Agatha Awards were announced. A week before the banquet, I received an email telling me to choose which table I wanted to sit at. (Several tables were hosted by someone, usually an author or two). As long as there was still room at that table, it was available to choose. I chose to sit at the table that was hosted by author Amanda Flower. Her book, Farm to Trouble, was the first ever 5 star cozy I read three years ago. Plus she has 16 cats. I mean, come on. I had to talk to her. I also enjoyed meeting other fans at her table.
There was a party after the banquet, but I didn't attend. After the banquet I went back up to my room and went to bed. It was a full and exhausting day in the best way possible.

Click on 2024 Bookish Challenges on the right sidebar to see how I'm doing with this year's goals. I added a mini challenge that I'll be working on in June.

I listened to Throne of Threats, written by Sarah E. Burr and narrated by Melissa Green. I also listened to the short story in the Ducal Detective Collection. Now that I've listened to all of the stories in this collection, I will post a review this coming week or next week. I did really enjoy it!
I'm more than halfway through The Man in Lower Ten, by Mary Roberts Rinehart. The original, which I have not read, was written in 1909. The Modern Reader Edition I'm reading is a rewrite of it in a more contemporary, easy-to-read style. It's a traditional mystery, but not really a cozy. You can read some excerpts here.
I had planned on reading Mother's Day Murder (Holiday Cozy Mystery 2), by Tonya Kappes. However, I was able to grab the audiobook, narrated by Elizabeth Demetrios, for free on Spotify, so I've been listening to it. I'm more than halfway through and plan to finish in a few days.

The May pick for The Cozy Mystery Book Club is The Mysterious Affair at Styles (Hercule Poirot 1), by Agatha Christie, so that's what I'll read next. I have never read this book, but I've been wanting to. I was able to grab this for free on Kindle earlier this year.
If I have time, I'll start listening to No Good Tea Goes Unpunished (Seaside CafΓ© 2), by Bree Baker. I have been saving the rest of this series for the spring and/or summer months, so now is a good time to pick it back up.

  • The Way Home - I finished my rewatch of season 1 and I'm two episodes into my rewatch of season 2. This is my first rewatch of season 2 and I'm already liking it more than I did when it first aired earlier this year. I think that's because I know what happens at the end and I'm watching it from a different perspective.
  • Darrow and Darrow Mysteries - I watched all four movies in this series last week. This coming week, I'll post an overall review of the series, along with my ranking of each movie.
Have a great week!


  1. Goat therapy, huh? How fun is that!!!!

    Yes we saw the Northern Lights last night. They haven't shown up tonight yet, but I am hopeful. I will check one more time before bed.

    1. That's awesome! I hope you got to see them again, Anne! :)

  2. It would be interesting to me to compare the original version with the updated version of the Mary Roberts Rinehart book.

    I'm glad you had such a fun time at Malice. I have found that it is fun to bid on auction items as long as I don't get too carried away.

    1. I thought about comparing them too, Deb. I may eventually listen to the audiobook for the original one. Yeah, I only bid on one package and I kept my bids pretty low. I thought that was going to be enough, until the last five minutes when someone else swooped in with a huge bid that I'd never challenge! :)

  3. That trip to the conference is so cool! I have enjoyed Amanda's books as well, including the Amish series she writes as Isabella Alan. I saw her sharing about her book tour, including Malice, on her social media.

    I am reading the Poirot book for the Cozy Mystery Club too! I read the one they did with Carlene O'Connor but I didn't finish in time for the live. I need to go back and watch it if it is on their YouTube Channel.

    This will be my first Poirot book so I am excited to read it. I started it last night and am definitely intriqued.

    Tonya Knappes is on my TBR but I haven't gotten there yet! Argh!

    I hope you have a good week and are able to see the Northern Lights. I am going to try to see them tonight too.

    1. Lisa, it is definitely on the YouTube Channel. I do enjoy joining live, but when that's not possible it's so nice that they're still available to watch. :-)

  4. Your goat therapy sounds like fun! Malice also sounds like fun. Amanda Flower has 16 cats? I never knew that. Now I want to read all her books :) I've read a few, but I have many on my TBR. Have a great week!

    1. I would love to read more of her books, too, Yvonne. Yep, 16 cats! She has a farm, so she has the space for them. :-)

  5. Agatha Christie's books are usually fun -- not that I've read that many, actually, because she was so prolific! Hope you enjoy.

    1. I've only read/listened to a few of them Nicky. Yes, there are so many! :-)

  6. Every goat is going to have a different personality, some want holding, some don't. I'm glad you got to hold one for a while. They will try to chew on just about anything.

    The conference sounds like a great place to be.

    1. Very true on all of that! Plus the goats that prefer to be held at that farm are usually the youngest ones. :-)

  7. Goat therapy sounds like so much fun!

    Thanks for sharing your experience at Malice Domestic! It sounds like a lot of fun!

  8. Goats are so cute!!! How fun that you got to hold one. And I would love to go to a book conference.

    I did get to see the Northern Lights on Friday. It was one of my biggest wishes come true!

    1. That's wonderful!! So glad you got to see them!! :-)

  9. That conference sounds really fun and it seems like you enjoyed it a lot. Man, I think I need some goat therapy!

  10. I hope you got to see the northern lights, Meezan! I live so far away and am so jealous. :) Sounds like you had an amazing time at Malice as well. <3 The last time I met up with internet bookish friends irl was maybe 8 or so years ago (back when I was in high school)!

    πŸ’– aimee @ aimee can read

    1. The Northern Lights was a no-go for us, after all, Aimee. Yes, Malice was a blast! I had never attended anything like it. :-)

  11. Aww, goats! I love them. I was devastated that I didn't get to see the northern lights. It's been cloudy here for 3 days.

    1. Aj, I'm with you on the Northern Lights. It wasn't strong enough for us to see on Sunday. Between the clouds and the lack of "strength", we didn't see them either. Yes, goats are awesome! :)

  12. That conference does sound amazing. So does visiting goats. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  13. Malice Day 2 sounds wonderful and the goats meet up sounds great too.

    1. Both were wonderful, Kathryn! Can't wait to do them both again next year! :)


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