Saturday, June 1, 2024

Sunday Post 82

Hi everyone!

Through Monday, I am linking with the following: 

On the above blogs you will be able to see links to the posts from others who are participating in those blog hops, and if you're a blogger, you can join too. 

Is anyone else having issues inserting links on Blogger? It eventually works, but not until after several tries, and even after that it doesn't look normal. I have to do extra editing to get it right. It started about a week ago.

I got my temporary crown on Tuesday. It wasn't exactly a walk in the park, but I'm glad that stage of the process is done. My next appointment is in a little over 2 weeks. That's when I'll get the permanent crown. That appointment should be easier and shorter. I'm looking forward to having this whole thing behind me. Maybe I'll watch Crown for Christmas to celebrate.

Fiona got a mani and pedi at the vet the same afternoon I was crowned. You can read about her not-so-welcome-home from Bell on Friday's post. Thankfully, all is well now.

On Thursday, I went to a performance at the elementary school where a friend of mine teaches third grade. Her students spent the year planning and practicing for this performance. Some students read poems and the entire class composed and sang a song. They also played xylophones (one of which I bought for them). The song Unwritten, by Natasha Bedingfield, was their inspiration. That happens to be one of my favorite songs. They did an outstanding job. This was only my second time being back at an elementary school since I left teaching in 2010.

My local Barnes & Noble had a Murdle "Night" (at 3 p.m.) today (Saturday). I was so excited to go because I love Murdle.  I sometimes do the puzzles online and I've also been working my way through the  Volume 1 book, which I will update below. The event was pretty basic, but fun. I was the only one who showed up specifically for the event. They recruited a few others who were just browsing in the store. We were given five puzzles to solve. They were super easy and I finished in about 30 minutes. I tend to work slower than most others. Most people could probably have done them in less time.

Anyway, I checked my answers and they were all correct. I was given a certificate of completion, a Murdle bookmark, and  a few Murdle stickers. I was also entered into a drawing to win the grand prize, which will be determined later. The grand prize is a mug that changes color when it contains a hot beverage, as well as a tote bag (that does NOT change color when it contains a hot beverage...that's called a stain). I have a pretty good chance of winning because so few people were there and some left before they finished the puzzle. So, unless a vanload of people showed up after I left, I think only a few of us turned in completed puzzles. I'll let you know if I win.

If you enjoy Murdle (they are logic puzzles where you figure out the culprit, weapon, location, and motive), you should see if there's an event like this at your local B&N. They have them nationwide. I found out about mine here in Maryland because of someone else who attended hers in California. I get the impression events other than mine have been more well-attended.

Click on 2024 Bookish Challenges on the right sidebar to see how I'm doing with this year's goals. I added a mini challenge that I'll be working on in June.

None since my last update.

I'm still reading an e-ARC of Flying Off the Candle (Glenmyre Whim Mystery 3), by Sarah E. Burr. I thought I would have my review posted before release day, but it's looking like I will post it on release day. So stay tuned to read my thoughts on Tuesday, June 11th. It will probably be the featured book with excerpts on next Friday's post.
I've been listening to  Love at On Deck Café (Mapleton 1), written by Leah Dobrinska and narrated by Sean Patrick Hopkins and Sarah Naughton. If you're looking for a sweet, clean, contemporary romance set around the 4th of July, I highly recommend this book. There's even a really fun festival in it. I hope to have my review published on Thursday. In the meantime, you can read some excerpts here.
I said I'd give you a Murdle update, and here it is. I had stopped working on the puzzles for a while after I finished the easiest ones (first 25 puzzles). I'm currently on puzzle 35, which is the second level. The third level begins after puzzle 50.
I didn't have time to start listening to Beaches, Bungalows & Burglaries (Campers and Criminals Mystery 1), by Tonya Kappes, so this is still up next. I'll definitely be able to start this upcoming week.  June is both National Audiobook Month and National Camping Month, so I thought it would be a good series to start for the mini audiobook challenge this month.
If I finish Flying Off the Candle this week, I will begin my next e-ARC. Summoning, Skating, and Skulls is the second book in Emily Fluke's Bewitcher's Beach Mystery series. I loved the prequel and the first book in the series, so I'm looking forward to this one. Although I didn't post a formal review on my blog, I also loved book 1.5, Squeaks and Spooks.

  • Murder, She Wrote - I watched S3E19. There are three more episodes to watch in season 3, then I'll post my review for that season.
  • Psych - I have four more episodes left to watch in season 4. I've heard the finale for season 4 is one of the best in the entire series, so I'm especially excited to watch that one.
That was it for television this past week. I'm sure I'll have more to report next weekend because I'm borrowing some movies from the library on Sunday and I'll also watch tonight's Hallmark premiere during the week.

Have a great week!


  1. I thought it was just me. I have been having problems with blogger too. I hope whatever it is, they get it resolved soon. I am glad your dentist appointment went well and hope the next one does too! Murdle Night sounds fun. I'll have to see if the local BN here does something like that. I hope you are enjoying your current reads. They all sound good. I hope you have a great week!

    1. It's good to know the issue with Blogger is not just with me. Thank you, and I hope you have a great week, too! :)

  2. I started having trouble with links on Blogger tonight. I have found the only way is to put my cursor where I want the link to be, click on the link icon, and type both the text I want and the URL, then it works.

    I do hope your ordeal with the crown is over soon.

    1. Yeah, that would work too. I hope it's resolved soon. Thank you! :)

  3. I'm glad the first part of the crown process is done. I hope the next part goes smoothly.

    I spent so many years in the classroom---originally as a student, then as a teacher and librarian, and as a volunteer. But I have not returned since I retired. I did so love teaching.

  4. The Murdle event sounds like a lot of fun! I hope you win the Grand Prize!

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. Thank you! I'm still waiting to hear from them about the grand prize (if I did win). :-)

  5. I'd not heard of murdle before, it sounds interesting.

    1. I love logic puzzles, and even better that the Murdles are mysteries. :)

  6. I think maybe it was you that mentioned it before but I'd never heard of Murdle until a recent post. I love the idea. Off to see if we have one here. #Bookdate (a murdle night, I know I can order the book)

  7. I haven't had Blogger issues...yet. But I will keep an eye on any links for sure.

    Have a great week!

  8. Add me to the list of people who want Blogger to revert to the former way of adding links. It's still doable but has more steps than before. Otherwise, your week sounds like it was a good one. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. So this is a permanent thing with Blogger, Kathy? I hope they revert back to the old way!! Thank you! You too! :)

  9. The Murdle competition sounds fun, great that you enjoyed it.

  10. I hope everything goes well with the crown. I've been having problems with blogger and inserting links too. I have to do some editing to get it to look right. Maybe they are working on it. I hope so. It's annoying. Have a great week.

  11. The Murdle event sounds fun, good luck! I was not familiar with it until you explained it. Have a great week!


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