Sunday, April 9, 2023

Sunday Post 25

Happy Easter, Happy Passover, and Happy Ramadan to all who are observing each one! If I missed something you are observing at this time of year, I'd love for you to tell me in the comments.

It's Sunday, so I am once again linking with Reading Reality, who hosts Stacking the Shelves, and The Book Date, who hosts It's Monday! What Are You Reading?  (The latter is posted on Mondays, so be sure to check the link then.)  On these blogs you will be able to see links to the posts from others who are participating in these blog hops, and if you're a blogger, you can join too. 

Last week I remembered with hours to spare to link up with The Book Date, so let's see if I remember sooner this week!

To see how I'm doing with my bookish challenges, click on 2023 Bookish Challenges on the right sidebar.

I finished reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, by J.K. Rowling. I enjoyed it, but just like the first one, I liked the movie more. I felt like the pacing was better in the movie. I am going to take a break from reading the Harry Potter series until I finish watching all of the movies. Actually, I may listen to them rather than read them. I'll decide when the time comes.

The Complete Book of the Flower Fairies, by Cicely Mary Barker, is the perfect book of poetry to read alongside the cozy I'm currently reading. In fact, Cicely Mary Barker's work is referenced in A Hint of Mischief (Fairy Garden Mystery 3), by Daryl Wood Gerber.

Rolling Warrior: The Incredible, Sometimes Awkward, True Story of a Rebel Girl on Wheels Who Helped Spark a Revolution, by Judith Heumann with Kristen Joiner, as I mentioned last week, is the version of Judy Heumann's memoir aimed at younger audience. Since I'm juggling a few books right now, I'm taking my time with it. I'm planning to finish it in a couple of weeks.

A Hint of Mischief (Fairy Garden Mystery 3), by Daryl Wood Gerber, is the cozy I'm reading right now and I am LOVING it! I loved the first two in this series, but I think this one is even better. This is also a good one to read during National Poetry Month because each chapter begins with a quote or poem about fairies. I am hoping to finish it in a day or two and post my review this Wednesday or Thursday. 

On a side note, can you see how the cat on the book cover has its head turned sideways? My cat, Bell, does that when she's closely observing something or just being silly. 😸 

What a breath of fresh air this light and fluffy romcom is, especially just having finished Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I feel like I'm floating on a cloud with not a care in the world as I read Love by Chance, by Kacy Cross. While there is conflict in it, it's nothing earth-shattering. Sometimes a book like this that doesn't require too much thought is necessary. I'm thoroughly enjoying it, more so than the movie (which I also enjoyed).

I've been wanting to read Amanda Flower's Magical Bookshop Mysteries. Crime and Poetry is the first one in the series and what better month to read this one than during National Poetry Month! I should be able to start this one in a couple of days.
I am also participating in another blog hop today - Sunday Post, hosted by Caffeinated Reviewer. With this blog hop, I'll recap what I've recently posted. If you missed a post you want to read, just click on the link below. 

My Friday Fun post includes a new blog hop I joined - Friday 56. I did this one instead of the fill-ins.
This week I am going to start watching the Signed, Sealed, Delivered series on Hallmark. I have them all recorded, but I'm in the process of transitioning from Fubo to Frndly. I am no longer interested in watching sports and Frndly is a much less expensive plan. Most importantly, I'll still be able to watch all of the Hallmark channels.😊 I am still going to root for my two favorite teams in professional sports, the Baltimore Ravens and Washington Capitals, but watching the games has gotten boring for. The Caps especially had a terrible season. For the first time in eight years, they didn't make it into the playoffs. I've also been going to bed earlier, so I miss most games anyway.

My billing period for Fubo ends the first week of May, so even while I now have Frndly, I still have time to watch some things I recorded on Fubo. Besides Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I'm also going to binge watch the remaining six Harry Potter movies that I haven't seen yet. My birthday is on Wednesday and I've chosen Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban as the movie to watch that day.

What's up in your reading and viewing world? Let's chat in the comments below!


  1. Our family enjoyed all things Harry Potter for quite a while. Listening can be better for me as i get things done while hearing a great story.

    1. I tend to lose focus more with audiobooks, but I do listen to them sometimes. :)

  2. Lots of fantastic books. I remember when the first Harry Potter book came out and I read it to my class. It flopped!! Probably partly my narration but it was not a fave with the class. I agree with you about the movies. they were done so well.

    1. Kathryn, I tried to read the first one to my students also and it was a flop with them as well! I'm sure it was in large part because of my narration. In fact, I didn't start enjoying them myself until this year. :-)

  3. The Flower Fairies book looks nice. I like those takes, almost like a Victorian vibe.

  4. All the books look really interesting, but Crime and Poetry is the one that most catches my eye. Happy Reading!


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