Sunday, February 4, 2024

Sunday Post 66

Hi everyone!

Through Monday, I am linking with the following: 

On the above blogs you will be able to see links to the posts from others who are participating in these blog hops, and if you're a blogger, you can join too. 

We are currently around 50 degrees on Saturday afternoon with not a cloud in the sky and I believe it's supposed to stay this way through Thursday. I really need to make it a point to get out for my walks this week. The weather is just too beautiful not too. I'll try for early mornings before breakfast, which is my strong preference, but if not, there's no reason why I can't later in the morning.

Well, you don't have to deal with my Ravens talk anymore. Ugh. That was a painful loss last week. Oh, well. There's always next year. If the Washington Capitals ever get their act together, you'll "hear" me talk about them. Actually, you may literally hear me if they do really well because I'll be so excited for them. The Ravens and Caps are my two favorite professional sports teams. 

Click on 2024 Bookish Challenges on the right sidebar to see how I'm doing with this year's goals.

I listened to the first five minutes of Greenlights, by Matthew 
McConaughey, and promptly realized this book isn't for me. What a disappointment. I was really looking forward to it. As I've mentioned before, I don't like cursing and this one had a lot of it just in the first few minutes. If the first five minutes are like that, I figured the rest of the book would be too. So, this is going on my did-not-finish list and I'm moving on. I barely even started it, so I don't even know if I can classify it as did-not-finish.
YAY! I finally finished
The Mystery of Mrs. Christie, by Marie Benedict! I've been reading this book for two months off and on. I kept getting distracted by other books that were calling my name, but I really did want to finish it. I'm so glad I did. This book deserves it's own post, so I'll publish a full review. I'll plan to have it posted on Wednesday or Thursday this week. In the meantime, you can read some excerpts here.
I listened to the audiobook ARC of 
Magic, Movies, and Murder (Bewitcher's Beach Mystery 1), by Emily Fluke, and I loved it! It is narrated by Madeline Mrozek. As I mentioned last week, I read an e-ARC of this book last year, so I had already posted my review. I wouldn't change a thing except to say the narrator does a great job bringing the characters to life. I recommend it if you enjoy paranormal cozies.
I started reading an e-ARC from NetGalley for DM Me for Murder (Trending Topic 3), by Sarah E. Burr. I'm hoping to finish this by the end of the week and have my review posted next week when it's released. So far, I'm enjoying it. I've enjoyed all of the books I've read that are written by Sarah E. Burr, so that's no surprise.
I really wanted to listen to a Valentine's Day romance this week and I've heard so many good things about My Phony Valentine (Holidays with Hart 1), by Courtney Walsh. The audiobook format was just recently released and I can't find it on Hoopla or Libby yet. So, I started a free trial with Audible just so I can get this audiobook. I've heard that it's clean, with no strong language, AND the male main character is a hockey player. It sounds like everything I would like in a romance.
  • Romance with a Twist - This was a Hallmark premiere and it was okay. Not the best, but not the worst.
  • Barbie - I had been waiting for this to become available at the library and I was finally able to borrow it last week. I had a feeling I'd enjoy it, but it exceeded my expectations. I thought it was a little slow in the beginning, but once it got going it was so good. I enjoyed the plot, the cinematography, and the music.
  • Swing Into Romance - This was on GAF. I liked it more than Romance with a Twist, but it was still just okay.
  • Groundhog Day - I had seen this before, but didn't really appreciate it much the first time. Watching it again, I realized just how great it is. It was also fun to see Andie MacDowell in this role, as she's also in The Way Home. What a great actress.
  • Friends - I'm in the middle of season 7. Nothing much has happened (nothing much that's new, anyway) since the last time I gave my update.
  • The Way Home - WOW!! Episode 2 of season 2 was...ummm...interesting! It shed new light on a character who I now believe is a villain. I'm very interested in seeing where this is going.
  • Murder, She Wrote - I watched episode 5 in season 3 and I really liked it. I thought I had the killer identified, but I was wrong. I have such a hard time figuring out the whodunits in this series. I guess that's a good thing! It was fun to see Richard Kline, who played Larry in Three's Company. I loved that he played a character named Larry in this episode of Murder, She Wrote. It made it easy for me to remember his name!
  • Sunday Post 01/28 - Weekly Recap
  • Top Ten Tuesday 01/30 - New-to-me Authors I Discovered in 2023
  • Book Review 02/01 - Pride, Prejudice, and Poison (Jane Austen Society Mystery 1), by Elizabeth Blake
  • Five for Friday 02/02 - A Book in a Day, Christie, and Back-to-back Cats
  • Puzzle - 02/03 - Valentine Gnome
Have a great week!


  1. I hope you are able to get out walking while the nice weather lasts! I am sorry Greenlights was a DNF for you. Yay on finishing The Mystery of Mrs. Christie! I am glad you ended up liking it. I hope you are enjoying your current read! It sounds like a fun cozy mystery. Groundhog Day is one of those movies I liked better in the re-watching of it. It's a fun movie. I hope you have a great week!

    1. Thank you! I am enjoying DM Me for Murder. Groundhog Day is fun and has a great message. I hope you have a great week too! :)

  2. Isn't it a relief to finally finish a book that's taken a while? You've been busy and I'm looking forward to your review of the Christie book.

    1. Ugh. I didn't get that review yet. The week just flew by. I'll have to post it soon. :)

  3. Magic, Movies and Murder does sound good, I really like it when the narrator does a good job in a way that adds to the book. A bit like An American in Scotland where the narrator was fantastic.

    1. Kathryn, I'll definitely have to check out the audiobook for An American in Scotland. I'm looking forward to it! :)

  4. My brother has just informed me that I NEED to go watch the stage adaptation of Groundhog Day! Hopefully I can fit it in..

    1. That sounds awesome, Marg! I hope you get to go! :)

  5. Groundhog Day is one of my favorite movies. It's one of those movies that has seemed to get better and better each time I watch it.

    I hate it when I'm anticipating a wonderful book, and I realize from the get-go that this is not a book for me. That has happened to me many times.

    1. Deb, I guess the more we read, the more likely it is to happen. Thankfully, there are so many others we do enjoy. :-)

  6. I'm glad you liked The Mystery of Mrs. Christie! I really want to read that one. Have a great week.

  7. You have a nice looking assortment of books here. Sorry Greenlights wasn't for you. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  8. We are supposed to have nice weather too this week which my dogs will love. I still haven't watched Barbie. We do have a Max subscription through Direct so I really should watch it there while I can. Hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. Thank you, Barb! Yes, I do highly recommend Barbie! :)

  9. I haven't started the new season of The Way Home yet. It looks great. My Phony Valentine looks really good. I hope you enjoy your books and shows. Have a great week!


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