Saturday, May 18, 2024

Sunday Post 80

Hi everyone!

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So, I ended up not being able to see the Northern Lights after all. We had clear enough skies, but the lights weren't strong enough. Oh, well. It was fun to think about it! Lol.

I don't really have much to report from the past week, so I'll just get right to my experience at Malice. Day 3 (Sunday) was the final day of the convention.

Malice Domestic Day 3
This was a pretty light, but still fun-filled day. I went to a panel at 9 a.m. on writing cozy mysteries. This is not something I'm ready to commit to right now, but perhaps in the future.

After that, I took one last look in the Hospitality Room where I picked up some more freebies and mingled with a few authors.

Then, I went up to my room to pack. The Agatha Tea was at 1 p.m. I loved this event. I sat with some internet-turned-in person friends. Everyone was given a free book. The book that was at my seat (and some others) was The Mistress of Bhatia House, by Sujata Massey. This book won the Agatha award for Best Historical Mystery, and Sujata Massey was the Guest of Honor at the convention. I felt like I struck gold getting this book for free. The food at the Tea was delicious - four different types of appetizer sandwiches, scones, and of course, tea.

And just like that the convention came to a close at 2 p.m. As I was leaving, I saw a few more authors. I'm still on a high from the weekend. It was everything I thought it would be and more. And I can't wait to do it all over again next year.

Click on 2024 Bookish Challenges on the right sidebar to see how I'm doing with this year's goals. I added a mini challenge that I'll be working on in June.

I finished The Man in Lower Ten, by Mary Roberts Rinehart. The original, which I have not read, was written in 1909. The Modern Reader Edition I was asked to read and review is a rewrite of it in a more contemporary, easy-to-read style. I'm planning to publish my review in the next week. In the meantime, you can read some excerpts here.
I listened to Mother's Day Murder (Holiday Cozy Mystery 2), written by Tonya Kappes and narrated by Elizabeth Demetrios. I love the town and the characters. Although it took a while for the murder to happen, once the sleuthing began it was a good mystery. I can't wait to read or listen to the next one in the series in the next month or so.
I started reading the May pick for The Cozy Mystery Book Club, The Mysterious Affair at Styles (Hercule Poirot 1), by Agatha Christie. Poirot is my favorite Christie sleuth, so this should be a good one!
I'm almost finished listening to No Good Tea Goes Unpunished (Seaside CafΓ© 2), by Bree Baker. The narration is by TherΓ©sΓ¨ Plummer. I'm enjoying this second in series even more than the first one. I think the mystery is stronger in this one. You can read some excerpts here.

My next audiobook listen will be Tide and Punishment (Seaside Café 3), by Bree Baker and once again narrated by Therésè Plummer. This one is Christmas-themed. I don't usually read or listen to books out of season, but I really want to finish this series by the end of June. Maybe I'll have my review posted in time for Christmas in July.

  • A Whitewater Romance - Ummm...this was okay. These nature-themed Hallmark movies tend to be among my least favorite because the plot is usually not that strong compared to others. I wish Cindy Busby would get better material to work with. She's so talented. Give her something other than nature movies to star in.
  • Flip That Romance - This is a spring-themed 2019 Hallmark movie. It was pretty entertaining. It had a plot I had never seen before in a movie.
  • Picture Perfect Mysteries - I watched all three movies in this series last week. I will post an overall review of the series and a ranking of the episodes by the end of the month (maybe next week) because May is both National Mystery Month and National Photography Month!
  • The Way Home - I have one more episode to watch, then I'll be ready to post my review of Season 2. My perspective on this season has changed a bit after the second viewing. Stay tuned to find out if it was for better or for worse!
Have a great week!


  1. A cliffhanger on your thoughts on a TV show? ;)

    I wish there had been more Picture Perfect Mysteries. They were fun.

    1. Exactly, Mark - a cliffhanger on my thoughts. :-) I agree about the Picture Perfect Mysteries. It felt like some of the subplots were just getting started.

  2. There's nothing I enjoy more than going to a conference that has books and authors. I go often to the Texas Library Association Conference, but this year I had another commitment that week, sadly. I'm glad you had such a great time at Malice.

    I'm so sorry you didn't get to see the Northern Lights.

    1. Thank you, Deb. Yeah, the convention was so much fun! :)

  3. I’m glad you had fun at the convention. The nature themed Hallmark movies aren’t my favorites either. Have a wonderful Sunday.

    1. Thank you! It's too bad because I love nature. They need better plots for these movies, though. :)

  4. The book convention sounds neat, and glad you ended up with a free book by an author you are familiar with. I think it would be so fun to meet authors, but I also think I would be awkward, LOL!

    1. Cindy, I wasn't familiar with her before the convention, but now I know! She's even local(ish) to where I live. Meeting the authors wasn't awkward at all. They are all so down-to-earth. It felt like I was hanging out with friends. :-)

  5. It sounds like an excellent convention, I'm glad you attended and were able to give us a report.

  6. Someday I really hope to go to a Malice conference. Years ago I went to a Romance Writers conference and it was wonderful - they had seminars, freebies and meeting authors. Such fun. I'd really like one that features writing cozy mysteries. I'm glad you had such a good time. I haven't seen season two of The Way Home yet. I did enjoy the first season. Hope you have a great week.

    1. A Romance Writers conference sounds fun, too, Yvonne! :)

  7. I love the title of the No good tea goes unpunished. And i think crime is oparticularly suited to audio versions. Will check out #Bookdate

    1. Lydia, cozies do have some fun titles! :-)

  8. Malice Domestic does sound like a great convention. I'm glad you had fun. Come see my week here. Happy reading!


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