Saturday, June 29, 2024

Sunday Post 86

Hi everyone!

Through Monday, I am linking with the following: 

On the above blogs you will be able to see links to the posts from others who are participating in those blog hops, and if you're a blogger, you can join too. 

June was a tough month for me, but I choose to remain hopeful that July will be better. On Tuesday, I did have a great conversation with my dietitian (who focuses on overall lifestyle, not just food). My latest test results were good, but there's always room to improve. So we discussed how I can tweak some of my habits.

Despite the plot twists that life gave me, I will say that June is ending on a high note. This morning (Saturday), I woke up to the news that I won a Goodreads giveaway for the first time ever! I've entered a total of 66 Goodreads giveaways, with the first one being three years ago. Good things come to those who wait!

The book I won is Come Shell or High Water (Haunted Shell Shop Mystery 1), by Molly MacRae. I have been wanting to read this book ever since I started hearing about it. I just love this cover so much and I also love the premise. Doesn't a haunted shell shop sound like a fun place to visit? Goodreads tells me it could take 8-10 weeks to receive it. That seems like a long time, but I'll be patient.  For those of you who have won, does it really take that long to receive it?

On another note, I love the whole idea of Christmas in July, so I'm looking forward to celebrating through movies and books. I'm even considering putting up my Christmas decorations this weekend and leaving them up through the holidays at the end of the year. The exact date for Christmas in July is July 25th.  That's the date my best friend passed away in 2010. She loved Christmas, so maybe one reason I love Christmas in July is because it makes me feel closer to her. Plus, anything to try and escape from the hot weather.

Click on 2024 Bookish Challenges on the right sidebar to see how I'm doing with this year's goals.

I finished Summoning, Skating, and Skulls (Bewitcher's Beach Mystery 2) and I loved it! To read some excerpts, click here, and to read my full spoiler-free review, click here. I cannot wait for the next one in this series!

I planned on listening to Fourth-of-July Forgery, by Tonya Kappes, this past week, but I realized it's the fourth, not third, book in series. The third book is set around Halloween, so I'll wait until then to listen to it. Instead, I started listening to Sticks and Stones and a Bag of Bones (Mermaid Bay Christmas Shoppe Mystery 1), by Heather Weidner. It is set in July, so it's an actual Christmas in July story.
I am almost finished reading the first novella in the Newfound Lake Mystery series, Catch of the Day, by Virginia K. Bennett. I'm enjoying it so far. To read some excerpts from it, click here.

I can't believe the fifth installment in the Christmas Tree Farm Mystery series, by Jacqueline Frost, I'll Be Home for Mischief, was (maybe still is) a "read now" ARC on NetGalley. I love this series, so I grabbed it. It's what I'll be reading next!
  • Acolyte - The episode that started streaming this past week is my favorite so far. It isn't without its flaws, but it did finally keep me engaged and excited for future episodes.
  • Psych - I started watching season 1. I thought I had the entire season recorded, but apparently Hallmark Mystery didn't air all of them. So, I went from the pilot, to episode 4, to episode 9. I'm  grateful for the app I mentioned a few weeks ago that helps me keep track of which ones I've watched. If you're interested, the app is called TV Show Tracker.
  • Two Scoops of Italy - I enjoyed this 2024 premiere on Hallmark. Hunter King never disappoints. The movie was also visual appealing with the color scheme. It felt light and airy. The plot was nothing new, but it was still fun to watch.
  • A Christmas to Remember - I started Christmas in July a little early with this 2016 movie. It was about to expire on my DVR and I didn't see it listed as airing anytime soon again, so I decided to watch it. The female lead was too over-the-top and the plot is nothing new, but the movie felt cozy and I enjoyed it. Plus, Cameron Mathison is one of my favorite humans. If he's in a movie, I'll watch it and most likely enjoy it.
  • Sweet as Maple Syrup - This is a 2021 Hallmark-like movie that I found on UPtv. It caught my attention because I love maple syrup. It's one of my two favorite foods (the other one being popcorn). It isn't a Christmas movie, but it was set to expire on my DVR. It takes place in March when maple syrup is harvested. I loved the cozy setting, but there was too much scientific talk for my taste. It was an average movie. Not great, but also not disastrous.
  • Sunday Post - 06/22 - Weekly Recap
  • Book Review - 06/25 - Flying Off the Candle (Glenmyre Whim Mystery 3), by Sarah E. Burr
  • Book Review - 06/27 - Summoning, Skating and Skulls (Bewitcher's Beach Mystery 2), by Emily Fluke
  • The Friday Six - 06/28 - Bookish Response and Excerpts, Kitty News and Pic, Nature Pic
  • Puzzle - 06/29 - Cottage
Have a great week!


  1. Congrats on your win!

    As much Christmas as I do, I never think about decorating at this point in the year. I'm usually still in the "do I really want to decorate come December" phase of the year, still. It's just so much work for one person to see and enjoy...

    However, I do have a Christmas book planned to review on the 25th and I will be buying Christmas ornaments at Hallmark's premier in two weeks, so I'll have new Christmas ornament reviews to write and post.

    1. Thank you, Mark! This will be my first time ever decorating for Christmas in July. I don't have a large tree to decorate, so that eliminates quite a bit of time it would take to decorate. Plus, I'm not putting out any breakables (because cats). So it's really just a matter of putting out all the stuffed decorations and turning the fridge into Frosty the Fridgeman. :-)

  2. Sweet as Maple Syrup sounds cute! I love anything fall. Lol. Have a great week!

    1. Thank you! This movie takes place in March when maple syrup is harvested, but it does have cozy fall-feeling vibes. :-)

  3. Christmas in July sounds like fun! My friend who runs a used bookstore is planning to do a Christmas in July sale this month. Reading about snow does seem to cool me off.

    Congratulations on your Goodreads win! I hope you enjoy it and I hope you win many more books.

    1. Thank you, Deb! So glad your friend is hopping on board the Christmas in July train! :-)

  4. Congratulations on your Goodreads win! I have entered over 300 Giveaways and never won...I am due, LOL! Seriously, that is awesome! Have a great week!

    1. Oh, wow, Cindy! You are definitely due for a Goodreads win! I'm not sure how active you are there, but I read somewhere that the more active you are, the better your chances are of winning. I hope you win something good soon!! :)

  5. Congrats on your win! I have that book coming up to read and it does look like a good cozy. I've never won a print Goodreads giveaway, only an ebook giveaway. So, I don't know how long it takes, but I hope you receive it sooner than they say. Enjoy your books and have a great week!

  6. Congrats on winning a Goodreads giveaway! That's so exciting. I've entered around the same as you and have only won one as well. I hope you enjoyed the book you won! :D

    My Sunday Post

  7. Congratulations on the win! Christmas in July sounds fabulous, as you say, the heat is awful and we'd love to skip right to October.

    1. Thank you! Yes, I can't wait until October! :-)

  8. So nice to have a win. It doesn't matter how many books we have there is something about winning a book.

  9. We often celebrate Christmas in July. Not sure if we will this year or not!

    Congrats on your GR win!

    1. Thank you, Marg! And Merry Christmas in July! :)

  10. Congrats on your Goodreads win. I enter a bunch of the giveaways too. I usually don't hear whether or not I've won, but I did get an email that I didn't just last week. I'm often lucky enough to get review copies for some of the giveaways but it would be nice to win and have a keeper copy. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  11. Congrats on the Goodreads win. I enter religiously and have one many books. It's all in the numbers I guess.
    Also great news on your test results.


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