Saturday, June 22, 2024

Sunday Post 85

Hi everyone! Happy Summertime to all who celebrate! (That would NOT be me. Lol.)

Through Monday, I am linking with the following: 

On the above blogs you will be able to see links to the posts from others who are participating in those blog hops, and if you're a blogger, you can join too. 

One of my first sentences last week was, "We had some pretty decent weather this past week."

Well, folks. Not so much this past week, if you're like me and do not like high humidity and actual temps hovering around 100 degrees. And it looks like this nonsense will continue into next week. I am thankful that our storm risk is pretty low and I'm also thankful for A/C.

Last week was busy, with a meeting or appointments almost daily. On Monday, I had a condo meeting. On Tuesday I had my regular six month check-up with my primary care doctor. All is well, but I'm not happy her office (and the entire practice with all the doctors) is moving. The practice won't be far away from where it's currently located, but it will be far enough that it will make driving there (for me) a challenge. I'm hoping another primary care doctor takes over in that building so I can continue going there. I can't imagine the offices in that building will be used for anything else other than medical reasons. Otherwise, I may just switch over to my doctor's new location and have virtual appointments with her or use Uber, if necessary. I have never used Uber, so that would be a new thing for me. The practice is moving in mid-July, but my next appointment isn't until December.

On Wednesday, I had planned on getting routine bloodwork done, but I postponed it until Friday because I wasn't feeling well. I was also supposed to get my permanent crown on Wednesday, but my dentist postponed it because 1) my permanent crown was not yet received (which surprises me) and 2) my dentist had to travel out of the country for a family emergency. It's disappointing I now have to wait until the first full week in July to get my permanent crown, but I certainly understand. Plus, I was thankful for being able to stay home and rest on Wednesday. I don't think I would have made it to my dentist appointment if it hadn't been cancelled.

On Thursday, I had my 9 week podiatrist appointment, which went well, and on Friday I had my routine bloodwork done. After the blood test, which gave me good results, I treated myself to breakfast at a local deli. I also did the weekly grocery shopping that day.

I have no place to go this weekend and that makes me happy! I also have no appointments or meetings scheduled for this upcoming week, except for a virtual appointment with my nutritionist on Monday. Woohoo!!! I enjoy chatting with her. I like talking about food. :-)

In other news, a new channel is coming to frndly tv and I am here for it! It's MeTV Toons and it starts this Tuesday. They will show classic cartoons. I am most excited about Scooby-Doo (these are mysteries, after all!), Bugs Bunny, Casper, The Flintstones, The Jetsons (it will be interesting to see how many of their inventions we now have in real life), Tom and Jerry, and The Smurfs. I make no apologies. :-)

Do you enjoy classic cartoons? If so, which ones?

Click on 2024 Bookish Challenges on the right sidebar to see how I'm doing with this year's goals. I added a mini audiobook challenge for June that is now complete!

I listened to Forests, Fishing, and Forgery (Campers and Criminals Mystery 3), written by Tonya Kappes and narrated by Johanna Parker. This one takes place around Labor Day weekend. I really enjoyed it and I plan to continue this series in July. The fourth one is set around Christmas, so it will be perfect for Christmas in July.
I listened to Murder at the Lakeside Library (Lakeside Library Mystery 1), written by Holly Danvers and narrated by Allyson Ryan. This was an interesting plot. I also enjoyed the setting and main characters, but we were given a lot of information all at once at the end. Also, sometimes the main character's backstory interfered with moving the plot forward. I might continue the series because it has potential.
I have less than one hour left to read, according to my Kindle, in Summoning, Skating, and Skulls (Bewitcher's Beach Mystery 2). I loved the prequel and the first book in the series. This one has a much more complex mystery with higher stakes and I'm enjoying it as well. Although I didn't post a formal review on my blog, I also loved book 1.5, Squeaks and Spooks. To read some excerpts from Summoning, Skating, and Skulls, click here.
Next, I will read the first novella in the Newfound Lake Mystery series, Catch of the Day, by Virginia K. Bennett. This series has been on my radar for a while and I'm excited to finally start it. And I guess I'm sticking with a lake theme in some ways!

My next audiobook listen will be Fourth-of-July Forgery (Holiday Cozy Mystery 3), written by Tonya Kappes and narrated by Christina Sagnimeni. This is a different narrator than the previous one in the series, so hopefully I will still enjoy it as much. I love a good holiday cozy and I have a feeling this one will have all the Fourth of July feels.

  • Acolyte - Thankfully, this was a short episode because it wasn't too exciting until the final scene.
  • Psych - I have two more episodes left to watch in season 5. I think when this season is done, I'll go back and start with season 1 since I now have all of those recorded.
  • Murder, She Wrote - I finished season 3 and I'm planning to post a review. I just need to carve out time to do that!
  • A Greek Recipe for Romance - This was yet another Hallmark movie with a great setting, but weak plot. And still I continue to watch all the premieres anyway...
  • Color My World with Love - This is a 2022 Hallmark movie that does a mostly great job with disability representation. There are a few things I want to point out, however, from the perspective of someone with a disability. I need to post a review of this one soon. I've now seen it three times!
  • Romance in the Air - This movie was about to expire on my DVR, so I decided to finally watch it. It's a 2020 movie starring Cindy Busby. She's a great actress, but a lot of her movies, this one included, don't do much for me.  She needs to be given better plots and scripts.
  • Summer Love - This one stars Rachel Leigh Cook, who also was in Psych. She's another great actress, but unfortunately this movie was just okay for me. I was hoping for something better on the first full day of summer.
  • Sunday Post - 06/15 - Weekly Recap
  • The Friday Six - 06/21 - Bookish Response and Excerpts, Kitty News and Pic, Nature Pic
  • Puzzle - 06/22 - A Beautiful Lake
Have a great week!


  1. As much as I love summer heat, I know it is because I can escape into my AC condo. Which I don't keep too low, since I get cold easily. Also, we don't have humidity. I was reminded last weekend just how miserable that can be.

    1. Mark, yes! The humidity makes it so much worse. Yay for AC!! :)

  2. The cartoons I loved best were the Disney movies I watched with my kids - The Jungle Book, Dumbo, Pinocchio, and the other classics.

    1. Harvee, Pinocchio is one of my favorites! :)

  3. It's been difficult to get my dad to his doctor appointments after his retina tore and he could not drive. I hate driving in Houston, but I was forced to do so because of him. He is trying to find doctors that are closer to home.

    I'm glad to see that you enjoyed book three of the Campers and Criminals series!

    1. Deb, I hope he finds doctors who are closer to home. Thank you! :)

  4. Yay for your appointments going well and not having anywhere to go this weekend! I'm sorry your doctor's office is moving, that sounds frustrating. We also had super hot weather this week and I am super thankful for a/c! I saw someone post asking for tips on what to do about the heat because they don't have a/c, and I was thinking how hard that would be. I didn't watch Casper and didn't watch The Jetsons that often, but did watch all the other cartoons you listed :) Enjoy!!

    1. Well, Sunday turned out much differently than what I had planned, but the rest of the week has been calmer. :)

  5. I love all of those classic cartoons you listed. I'm making my way through Supernatural and in season 13 they have an episode where they are trapped in a Scooby Doo episode. It's the only episode I've watched twice :) Have a great week!

  6. Everyone is commenting on the heat this week. (Including me.) Thank goodness for AC. I really feel for everyone who is under this heat dome and doesn't have it.

    Your cozies this week look fun. I hope you enjoy the ones you have up next!

  7. You have been busy! I hope you get a break this week, both with all the business (unless you are enjoying it) and in the temps.

    Don't apologize for liking what you like. My favorite classic cartoons are all the Looney Toons, the old Bugs and Elmer and Daffy and such. I also enjoy Beany and Cecil.

  8. Always great looking books. 100 degrees sounds very hot. I'd hate that.

  9. I’m glad your medical appointments went well,and I hope you don’t have to wait too much longer for the dentist.
    I enjoyed The Jetsons and the Flintstones as a kid but I’m not really a fan of slapstick humour so I didn’t watch a lot of cartoons.

    Wishing you a wonderful reading week

    1. Interestingly, I'm usually not a fan of slapstick humor either, but with cartoons I do enjoy it more. :)

  10. Such a busy week! I don't know how you do it. Your books look good. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  11. There been so much high humidity from the past week. Been getting up early to water my plants just so they can survive the heat.
    Psych is such a great show to watch.
    Have a great week.


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