Saturday, July 6, 2024

Sunday Post 87

Hi everyone!

Through Monday, I am linking with the following: 

On the above blogs you will be able to see links to the posts from others who are participating in those blog hops, and if you're a blogger, you can join too. 

It looks like Blogger fixed that quirky little thing that was happening with links. I can once again type the text, highlight it, then insert the link. It's easier and faster than the way I was having to do it when things got messed up.

I hope everyone had a great holiday, Canada Day for some and Independence Day for Americans. I had plans to just get some rest and relaxation that day, but at 12 noon the fire alarm in my building went off. Not knowing why, we had to evacuate. My cats don't mind fireworks, but the fire alarm is another story. It took them a while to emerge from under the couch (Fiona) and the bedroom (Bell). 

It turned out to be nothing serious, in that there was no fire. There was a major water leak coming from the unit directly above the electrical room. This caused the alarm to malfunction. This happened with the same unit back in January. That was also a day when most people were home due to all the snow we had then. It was really, really hot and humid on July 4th, so both times it happened in extreme weather conditions! Anyway, a plumber is going to take a look at that unit next week. Hopefully it won't happen again. 

I was president of my condo association from February 22, 2011 (it's always been an honor to share that date with George Washington's birthday) until a couple weeks ago. It was a three year term that I ran for (unopposed) multiple times, but it wasn't a multiple of three because I took over in the middle of someone else's term when he stepped down. I'm still on the board as a member-at-large, but I was tired of being the one in charge. I like being able to help out, but it's a relief to not be president anymore. It was my choice not to run again this year when my term was up. I'd rather pursue amateur sleuthing full time.

In other news, I'll most likely get my permanent crown on Monday. I was supposed to get it three weeks ago, but my dentist had to leave the country due to a family emergency (plus my permanent crown hadn't come in yet). I'll be glad when it's finally done. I've been trying to be so careful with the temporary crown. It will be nice to be able to chew normally on my right side again.

Click on 2024 Bookish Challenges on the right sidebar to see how I'm doing with this year's goals.

 read the first novella in the Newfound Lake Mystery series, Catch of the Day, by Virginia K. Bennett. This is a straightforward cozy mystery. I'd like to continue the series when I want something light (even lighter than most cozies I've read). I enjoyed the setting and characters. To read some excerpts from it, click here.
I also finished
Sticks and Stones and a Bag of Bones (Mermaid Bay Christmas Shoppe Mystery 1), written by Heather Weidner and narrated by Carrie Coello. It takes place over Christmas in July. I listened to this twice because I had a difficult time keeping up with everything. I did enjoy it, though. You can read some excerpts here.
I just started reading the fifth installment in the Christmas Tree Farm Mystery series, by Jacqueline Frost, I'll Be Home for Mischief. This book releases in October, but I grabbed the ARC from NetGalley. I love this series, so I'm happy to be reading this one during Christmas in July.
My next audiobook listen will be Christmas, Campers, & Criminals (Camper and Criminals Mystery 4), written by Tonya Kappes and narrated by Johanna Parker. I listened to the first three in this series last month and I really enjoyed them, so I'm looking forward to this one. My Christmas in July celebration continues!
  • The Acolyte - And the snoozefest has returned. I'm pretty sure this series is one of the ingredients in sleepytime tea. Only two more episodes left. I'm ready to move on from this series, but I've come this far and I'll see it through.
  • Psych - I only have partial seasons recorded for the first few seasons and I'm almost done watching all of the ones I have in season 2. If I don't have all episodes recorded by the time I get to the series finale, I may subscribe to Peacock so I can watch the rest of them (plus the movies).
  • The Santa Clause - This movie was released in the 90s, but I watched it for the first time last week. I really enjoyed it! I love how whimsical and fun it is. All three movies are on Disney+ and I am planning to watch all of them this month. Then I'll move on to the television series. 
  • Falling Like Snowflakes - This is Hallmark's first Christmas in July premiere. It got mixed reviews (mostly negative, from what I read), but I really liked it and would definitely watch it again. How fun to go on a road trip in a snow plow!
  • Holiday Road - Continuing with the road trip and Christmas themes, I watched this 2023 Hallmark movie for the first time. It wasn't perfect (the romance was forced and completely unnecessary), but it was perfect enough that I'd watch it again. It's a good mix of fun and heart. It really captures the spirit of kindness and togetherness whether you're family or not, while also mixing in humor at just the right moments. It's based on events that really happened. The ensemble cast was great!
  • Planes, Trains, and Christmas Trees - This is a 2022 Lifetime movie. was okay. There were no planes or trains, oddly enough. And it was completely different from Planes, Trains, and Automobiles. The title is very misleading, which lead to disappointment for me.
  • Cross Country Christmas - This one premiered on Hallmark in 2020. Again, not perfect, but still a lot of fun. I would watch it again. It's a great road trip movie for the holidays. Rachel Leigh Cook is one of my favorite actresses and she really brought this movie to life.
Have a great week!


  1. Just when I was resigning myself to the blogger quirk being a permanent addition to the insane stuff on blogger, they fixed it. Whaddayaknow!

    It sounds like the unit in question needs some major plumbing work, I'm sorry the cats were so scared by the fire alarm.

    Stepping back from your position running things sounds like a wise idea, everyone needs a break sometimes.

    Good luck with the crown and I do hope you have a fabulous week of reading ahead.

    1. Thank you! Not being president feels like a second retirement. (I retired on disability from teaching in 2010). :-)

  2. How annoying that alarm sounds! I'm glad it was only a glitch and nothing serious. The mystery books sound good. I might get to read one Christmas book for Christmas in July but that will probably be all πŸ˜”

    The films sound good. I love The Santa Clause. I watched it when I was a child. I enjoyed the most recent series that came out based on it πŸ˜‚
    Have a great rest of the weekend!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  3. I have volunteered for school and church and Scouts and our museum and our naturalist group and library boards and museum boards...even Crisis Hotline...I feel like it's time in my life to turn over these things to younger people, new people. It sounds like you have done well in being president for so long. You deserve time to yourself!

    1. Thank you, Deb. You as well! Wow, you have done a lot!! I'm on the board for another organization in addition to my condo board, member-at-large for that one too. I like volunteering my time, just not being the one everyone comes to for everything. :)

  4. I still need to read Tonya's books. Hopefully soon. You give me so many ideas for cozies to read. I appreciate it.

  5. It does sound like they need to fix something in that unit! I would not want to be president of anything for any length of time, it is SO stressful, so I am glad you are able to step down, but still be available in other capacities! Have a great week!

    1. Thank you, Cindy! It really wasn't bad when I first became president. Things have changed a lot and it has become stressful. Hope you have a great week, too! :)

  6. I was so happy and surprised when the blogger links issue was fixed. It's much easier this way. I'm glad the fire alarm wasn't anything serious. How scary, especially for the poor fur babies. Enjoy your books and have a great week!

  7. When we were in an HOA before we moved a couple of years ago, my husband wanted to become the president. He was miffed about where some of our HOA fees were going and thought being president would help shed some light and put it where it'd do the best. Unfortunately, someone else won and we never did figure out the answers we wanted. We're glad we don't have to deal with it anymore.

    I hate fire alarms. I know they're necessary and I'd always obey. When they go off, they give you a sense of dread at wondering if it's a drill, the real thing, or an accident like it was in your case. I hope the plumber can fix the issue.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    1. Thank you, Jenni! And, yep! So true about fire alarms! :-)

  8. But to be the president for so long, you must have been good at what you did. Now they must be floundering with the job but I'm more interested in your other amateur sleuthing! Would love to read about your pursuits!

    1. You can read about that right here on my blog, Nas, when I write about all the cozy mysteries I read! :-)

  9. Yes I bet it must be great now to sit back and let someone else have the responsibility of leading. Hope your crown happens soon. The fire alarm must have been a real pain.

    1. Thank you, Kathryn! I got my permanent crown yesterday and everything went smoothly. Yay!! :-)

  10. Nice looking assortment of books. I was on our condo board until I moved here. I don't miss the problems especially with tenants who love to use the services but don't love to pay their association dues. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. Kathy, we have issues mostly with trash violations. It's surprising what people will do, then deny it even though it's caught on camera! Happy Reading to you as well! :-)

  11. I'm in awe of people who agree to take on major volunteer positions. Like you, I prefer to be in a supporting role!
    Unfortunately my library system doesn't have The Catch of the Day. I like that it is short and cosy!
    Otherwise, Is there something about Christmas reading that I know nothing about?

    1. Cheriee, I like celebrating Christmas in July through books and movies. It helps me get through the heat of the summer. :)

  12. Your poor kitties! Fire alarms are so loud and persistent aren't they? I hope they've got the leak fixed and there are no more problems. I can't blame you for stepping down as president--that had to have been a lot of work, especially for so long. You deserve a break--and time to hone your amateur sleuthing skills. :-) I hope everything went well with the crown! The first Santa Clause movie is one of my favorites. I love the E.L.F.S. team that goes to rescue Santa. LOL I hope you have a great week and enjoy your reading!

    1. Thank you! Yes, everything went smoothly with getting my permanent crown. I'm happy that process is over! :-)


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