Tuesday, September 17, 2024

August Caboodle of Movies and Books

Hi everyone! 

I'm a little late, but here are my monthly lists of movies watched and books finished in August.


Letterboxd allows for half star ratings for movies, but I'm sticking to whole instead of sliced mushrooms. The heart indicates when the movie had the "it" factor, that something special that makes it a favorite of mine. It's probably one I would re-watch. It does not have to earn five mushrooms in order to earn a heart. There could be plot holes, etc., but if it was still immensely enjoyable, it earned a heart. The number on the left is the date in August when I watched the movie. 

Junebug (2024) πŸ„πŸ„πŸ„πŸ„

Jazz Ramsey: A K-9 Mystery (2024) πŸ„πŸ„

Summer in the Vineyard (2017) πŸ„πŸ„πŸ„

13 My Dreams of You (2024)πŸ„πŸ„πŸ„πŸ„πŸ„πŸ’–

19 A Costa Rican Wedding (2024) πŸ„πŸ„πŸ„

20 August Creek (2017) πŸ„πŸ„πŸ„

27 Nelly Knows Mysteries: A Fatal Engagement (2024) πŸ„πŸ„πŸ„πŸ„

30 The Magic of Lemon Drops (2024) πŸ„πŸ„πŸ„πŸ„πŸ„πŸ’–

It probably won't surprise most of you that all of these are Hallmark movies. Two of them are from 2017 that I had on my watchlist for a while and the others are 2024 premieres. The two older ones were just okay for me, but most of the 2024 premieres were great. Although I really loved The Magic of Lemon Drops and I now want to read the book it's based on, my favorite of the month was definitely My Dreams of You. It had the perfect combination of magic (alternate reality is one of my favorite tropes) and summer feels. I can see myself watching it over and over again. It is my number one favorite movie of the year so far.

I don't give hearts for books like I do for movies because I rarely re-read books. When I do, it's usually because I haven't reviewed it yet and I need to refresh my memory before I do or because it's part of a book club and I need to refresh my memory for that reason. Otherwise, there are too many books that I want to read and it would take too much time to re-read them. Also, many of them are part of a series, of which I have so much catching up to do.

Here's what I read and listened to in August. Reviews are linked to the titles. Some are full reviews, while others are brief ones on my Sunday Posts.

πŸ“± = e-book
🎧 = audiobook
πŸ“– = physical book





Some of these were out of my comfort zone, but I'm so glad I read and listened to them. They turned out to be some of the best books of the year for me so far.

Have you ever read or listened to a book that was out of your comfort zone and you ended up loving it? Tell me in the comments!

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