Sunday, January 21, 2024

Sunday Post 64

Hi everyone!

Through Monday, I am linking with the following: 

On the above blogs you will be able to see links to the posts from others who are participating in these blog hops, and if you're a blogger, you can join too. 

Students around here had one day of school last week. Monday was the holiday, Tuesday we had snow, Wednesday it was...ummm...cold, Thursday was a full day of school, and Friday it snowed again. While I'm not the one making the calls, I feel like they could have had a two hour delay on Wednesday. Anyway, in total we got about eight inches of snow last week, with most of it falling on Friday. It is still quite cold (28f and sunny today), but temperatures are expected to rise. I love snow, so I was happy to see it. It's the most we've had in two years.

Did your favorite NFL football team advance in the playoffs? Mine did! I have been a fan of the Baltimore Ravens since their first Super Bowl win in 2000. Twelve years later, they won the Super Bowl again, and now it's been another 12 years. So I think they're due for another Super Bowl win.

I went to college and lived on campus in Baltimore and it isn't far from where I live now. Baltimore was also the last place I saw my best friend when we were celebrating her birthday belatedly in 2010. So Baltimore is close to my heart for a number of reasons.

In bookish news, I submitted my first review on NetGalley. There are two other books I grabbed since they were "read now" and I really do want to read them. I'll probably review one of them next month and the other one in March. When my reviews are up to 100%, then I'll start requesting books, unless I see something available to "read now" before then that I really want to read.

The review I submitted was for the NetGalley Reading Journal. Did anyone else grab this? It's a digital journal. I gave it 3/5 stars. The app that supports it isn't free, even though the user guide for the journal says it is. So I most likely won't use it unless I can find a free app that supports it. It is well-organized and looks fun to use. 

Click on 2024 Bookish Challenges on the right sidebar to see how I'm doing with this year's goals.

I listened to Pride and Prejudice, written by Jane Austen and narrated by Kate Kellgren. I enjoyed it very much, but I'm glad this wasn't my first experience with Pride and Prejudice. I think I might have been a little lost had I not already been familiar with the story. The narration is good, though. One of the reasons I love this book is because of how distinct the personalities of all the characters are. The narrator does a great job bringing them to life.

I'm really enjoying Pride, Prejudice, and Poison (Jane Austen Society Mystery 1), by Elizabeth Blake. I hope to finish it this week. You can read some excerpts from it on my Friday post here.
I started listening to #TagMe for Murder (Trending Topic 2), written by Sarah E. Burr and narrated by Laura Darrell. I really enjoyed the first one in this series, but this second one is off to an even better start. I hope to finish it by Wednesday so I can post my review on Thursday. We'll see how that goes!
I'm still reading 
The Mystery of Mrs. Christie, by Marie Benedict. I keep getting distracted by other books, which is why it's taking me so long to finish it. After I finish reading Pride, Prejudice, and Poison, I'm going to focus only on this book so I can finally finish it.
  • True Justice: Family Ties - This is Hallmark's first new mystery of the year. You can read my review here.
  • Crashing Through the Snow - With it being such a snow-filled week, I wanted to watch a snow-filled movie. I didn't have any movies like that recorded which didn't take place around Christmas, so I decided to go ahead and watch this one. It's considered by many one of the best Hallmark Christmas movies. I liked the movie, but I was disappointed that it didn't have a lot of snow in it!
  • A Scottish Love Scheme - This 2024 premiere got mixed reviews, but I enjoyed it. I would have appreciated it more in March, though. I want to see winter movies in the winter.
  • You're Bacon Me Crazy - I'm such a seasonal movie viewer. I wish I had saved this one for March. It was pretty cute, though.
  • Friends - I finished re-watching season 6, so it's onto season 7 this week. I love the way the proposal episode was done in the season finale of season 6. Chandler really fought for Monica when he realized his pretending to not want to get married was turning her away. His love for her became so clear to me in that episode. And then the turn of events with Monica surprising him was so heartwarming. Usually the final scene in an episode is a funny one, but at the end of this one it just showed the two of them happily slow-dancing. So sweet! It's one of my favorite episodes in the series. 
  • The Way Home - I finished re-watching season 1, but I made a mistake last week. Season 2 premieres tonight, not last Sunday. It's too late for me to stay up, so I'll watch it on Monday. You can read my season one review here.
Have a great week!


  1. I have Pride and Prejudice on my shelf to try, not sure when, LOL. We had a lot of snow at the end of the week as well. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

    1. Thank you, Cindy! You too! Pride and Prejudice is one of my favorite books ever, but I had a better experience reading it than listening to it. I also love the movie adaptations, especially the 1995 BBC mini series. :)

  2. It was a weird weather week all across the US. My g-kids were out of school part of the week, and they may be out again tomorrow.

    I'm glad NetGalley is going well for you so far!

    1. Deb, the cold and snow Maryland had last week is typical January weather for us. It's nice that January feels like it should. :)

  3. I did get the NetGalley journal, but I haven't really done anything with it yet. I'll have to check it out more. I hope you enjoy your books. Have a great week!

    1. Yvonne, I'll be curious to know what your experience with the journal is like. Thank you. You too! :)

  4. It seems that a lot schools have been closed all week due to the weather. We don't get many snow days in my neck of the woods even thought we've received a more than a foot of snow because it's just to be expected. It's weird.

    1. Jenni, I imagine your area is better equipped to deal with a lot of snow. :)

  5. You sound busy and I'm happy for your Ravens team.

  6. Good to hear you enjoyed the audio version of Pride and Prejudice. I did too.

    1. Awesome, Kathryn! Glad you enjoyed it too. :)

  7. I thought #TagMe for Murder was better than the first in the series. And I enjoyed the first one quite a bit.

    Both of the teams I was rooting for made it thought this weekend. We'll see how the 49ers and the Chiefs do next week.

    1. Congrats to your teams, Mark! We'll see the Chiefs in Baltimore on Sunday. :)

  8. Well done on completing your first Netgalley review!

  9. Glad you got some snow. We got about 5 inches where I live in WV which is minor compared to some areas. I am doing okay with my challenges and hope to provide an update each quarter on my blog.

  10. I saw the NetGalley journal but didn't download it. I already keep track at Goodreads and LibraryThing and on my own Google spreadsheet and didn't feel like I needed it. I've been using NetGalley since 2010 and enjoy finding great books there. Come see my week here. Happy reading!


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